Chapter 11

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Elijah came barreling down the stairs in his black Calvin Klein's only. His sleeves of tattoos and the few etched on his torso are on show and so is the line of hair that gets lost beyond the band of his boxers.

"When are my staff coming back?" He asked irritably leaning against the counter.

I smiled on top of my mug as I sipped my tea.

"About that... they're not coming back."

"What! You're joking right? Right?"

I'm cringing already because he's gonna start shouting.

"Alyssa my office is a mess and I need someone to clean it," he said.

"Alright tell you what, I'll clean it in the meantime then I'll call them to let them know they're needed again."

"Please," he begged before pecking my check.

I grabbed on to his biceps as he pushed me into the counter. I pushed back the strand of hair that fell on his forehead.

"You're so fine Mr. Rossini."

"And you're so sexy Ms. Rowe." He squeezed my breasts groaning. "My,my, what big tits you have, maybe this pregnancy thing ain't so bad after all. Maybe I should get you pregnant all the time."

I raised a brow, "Is that a threat?"

"No, that was a joke baby."

He licked the edge of my lips and I cringed and shivered almost wanting to scream in disgust.

"There was Nutella on your lips and remember your prenatal pills today because you forgot yesterday," he winked before going back upstairs.

While I was making breakfast the doorbell rang so I took out the last pancake and turned off the stove.

When I opened the door there stood two feds waiting patiently on our doorstep.

"Good day ma'am is Elijah Rossini here?"

I scanned them from head to toe, "I don't know... I would have to check. Where are your warrants?" I asked and they lifted it up to show me. "Alright please come in, in the meantime ."

I stepped aside from the door and then they entered looking around and touching things.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't touch anything thank you, I'll be right back," I forced a smile swallowing the knot of nerves in my throat.

I trotted upstairs rather quickly opening Elijah's room without permission.

"What did you do this time?" I put my hands on my hips waiting.

"What do you mean?" He asked spraying his cologne on.

"Elijah... there is a fed downstairs and what looks to be a detective who's asking for you, so if you killed anyone last night let me know before we get down there," I whisper yelled.

"Babe don't worry about it okay let's go before they think we're hiding something."

"No, no, I'll go down before you, we are not associates."

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