Chapter 22

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What I decided to do was very important for everyone to be present. In case I was gonna die everyone should know the truth before things go bad. I had men looking for Alyssa all over America but we were unsuccessful and I was two seconds away from losing my mind.

What the fuck was he doing to her?

If I find her in one piece after this God I'll turn myself in I swear.

Matteo was taken to my mother's house last night by Giuseppe. Silvio had people go to my house when we were at the warehouse to try to take Matteo and in the process killing my men and Angela. Bettina and Giuseppe managed to escape with my son. I'm grateful that they were there.

Now I stand in my parents' house watching my mother with Matteo, Elena talking on the phone and my brothers indulging in serious conversation.

"I have something to tell all of you," I announce and the place gets so silent you could hear a pin drop.

My mother is looking at me sympathetically I think she understands how I feel inside right now. It feels like a heart attack, like a bubble of emotions that just keeps building up the more I realize that my wife is not here with us.

If I don't find her I know I'm going to have a heart attack. My anxiety is already killing me as it is and it's only been a day. I have doubled the dosage of my pills since last night to deal with the pain, along with a bottle of Don Julio tequila to wash it down.

I'm higher than a kite right now and it's just because I don't know how else to deal with pain. I've been doing this since eighteen, getting high at clubs, fucking bitches whose names I won't remember the next day. That's how I dealt with the guilt of killing people when I first joined the mafia.

And up to this day it's still the only way I know how to numb pain. When it comes to Alyssa though, it's like the pain just goes away for a few hours and then I'll have to take the pills over and over until it's time for bed.

"Vincent they're ready," I said.

"Vincent? Who the hell is Vincent?" Franco asks.

My mother places Matteo on the couch distracting her the exact time Vincent reveals himself to everyone. Elena screams to the heavens and comes to stand next to me.

"Elijah this is not a joke," she whispers deadly serious.

When mother gets up and turns around to see what the fuss is about, she gasps in horror when she sees Vincent looking at her.

"Ay dios mio... tengo un mal sueño," she whispers to herself.

Let me translate - Oh my God... I'm having a bad dream.

Oh mom you're not.

She continues to chant Tengo un mal sueño to herself.

"I'm back," Vincent says and then Isabella's eyes roll to the back of her head and she faints.

We all file into action lifting her onto the couch and trying to wake her up.

"What the fuck do you mean by you're back?" Dante asks.

"Watch your mouth Dante," he says.

"Watch my mouth? You don't get to tell me what to do when you should be buried six feet under."

Franco just laughs, "We're the best fucking family ever we have more drama than the Kardashian's."

"So you Elijah knew about this all along that he faked his death and you didn't say jack shit?" Elena asks.

"Don't you fucking turn this on me right now I have more than enough on my plate. I found out two weeks ago, he didn't want to tell anyone else and it wasn't my place to do so. If it wasn't for me you would've probably lived on without knowing he was alive."

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