Moving on.

682 18 1

India P O V:

The door knocked loudly.

"That, should be Mike." Gloria said as she strutted towards it.

Micheal stepped in.

"Hey.." He greeted,  coming through into the living room.

"Hey guys." He waved to me and Jake.

"Hey Mikey." I replied, flicking through channels.

"Mike, we need you to hack into FFS." Jerry explained. "Sure, sure." He said, sitting down.

"Why are we even hacking them?" I asked, turning my head.

"We have a few things we need to check on."

I nodded.

"Give me 5 minutes, I'll be in." He said, typing manically.

"Sure." Gloria said, coming to the sofas.

"How can we let Mav' fuck with us for so long? The man is in our damn city."

"Gee, if it was so easy, we would have killed Meverick by now. But it's not, he could end one of us any day. We have to play this smart. If one slips up, we all fucking fall." Ronny said, sitting beside to Mike.

"We've had so many chances."

"No we haven't, he has."

"Technically, Maverick's been trying to get me killed for years. But, he's not playing his own game smartly enough. He only used Ron for information and Gloria, he doesn't like you because you've been a pain in the ass all of his life." Jerry said.

"He stole our business, he's stealing our money and getting our yearly income. He's stolen one of our friends life, what's next? One of us? I just want this fucker dead." She sighed, pushing her hair back.

"I'm in." Mike said. He came over to the sofas and hooked it up to the TV.

"That was quick." I said.

"Okay, so, here's the main office." He said, moving the camera. "Right, can we see the basement?" Jerry asked.


He typed something and the camera flickered.

"Look at that, all that fucking cocaine. How does he even get that over to Cuba?" Gloria asked.

"Not only Cuba, Brazil too, you know, the slums. They have some serious people over there who are willing to pay a shit load."

He panned around, "see them all? All them crates are just full of thousands of dollars, drug money. Get your hands on that, we're talking nearly 900 thousand?" Mike continued.

"What's security like down there?" Jerry asked.

"Uhh..well, it's more secured then Bonnie and Maverick's floors put together. We're talking Elite and armoured guards down there, swarmed."

"Shit." He replied.

"Only access are air vents. If they sense a problem in any of them, they're on it."

"Let's see Maverick." Gloria demanded.

There he was, sitting all smug and relaxed.

Bonnie was pacing up and down his office. "Turn on the audio." Ron added.

He pressed a button and then,

'Maverick, they're trying to kill you. Do you hear me? What are we meant to do if they have a sniper glazing through your god damn windows as we speak? They got me and beat me fucking black and blue.'

Bad Little Girl. (Jacob/Princeton love story/Action.) (Completed.)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя