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30K, thank you guys so much, I really appreciate it, love you all.

Angee P O V:

I sat firmly in my chair.

"Angelica, have you ever been bullied?"


"Was this pre school, high school?"

"Mainly high school." I said, swallowing hard.

"I know you may not want to go over this but, what exactly did these bullies do or say?"

I sighed, "they used to call me a freak all the time. They used to call me weird and laugh at how I kept a diary. How I had to go see a therapist, how I had to rush off to the bathroom to take my pills, they'd- ..  target me, all the "pretty" girls. They embarrassed me in front of boys I had liked. Then, they'd never speak to me again."

"Did this bullying effect your learning skills or anything along them lines?"

"Bullying effects anyone, that's a silly question. It hurts and it makes you worthless. It's-.."

"Then, why Rubella?" he interrupted.

My mouth jarred slightly as nothing came out.

I glared at him vaguely.


I shook my head no, "I can't tell you why."

"You know, you made Rubella feel 100 times worse to the point she took her own life?"

I jerked forward, "Of course I do, but at the heat of the moment do you think about the consequences or what's happening before you?" I yelled.

"Angelica, calm down, please."

I clenched my eyes shut.

''Tell me about Jacob, Angelica.''

I was silent for a few moments as I reminised.
I took a deep breath.

''I love him with every single inch of my soul. I've never met someone like him. No one has ever made me feel as good as he did. He loves me, and I love him too. I want to be with him forever.. b-but-..um. Now-..now I know he's going be with her. He's going to forget about me, isn't he?" I sobbed, feeling my chest tighten in pain.

''He's the love of my life, sir. He helped me, he really did. His smile was like my medicine, a beautiful cure. As long as I had him, I didn't need anything else. I'm in love, absolutely hypnotised by him. I..he..- he made some stupid mistakes which drove me a little crazy. You know, always being on India's side, sticking up for her, leaving me for her. Conversing with Rubella and telling her he loved her. Why would he do that? If I could go back, I wouldn't have tried to kill India..- I would have killed India. I would have flown to New York and then pushed Rubella in front of a train, and killed her physically myself. Both of their blood on my hands was all I ever wanted, to be sure they was never coming back.
Sweet, pretty girls.

He cleared his throat, "Angelica, I'm going to end this interview here. You will be facing 8 years in prison, no parole. Also an additional 14 months in a specialised mental illness institution."

I bit the pit of my lip.

"Thank you for your time, Angelica." He said, standing up. An officer held me by arm and led me out. "Tell India, I'm coming for my husband." I grinned as I was being dragged out.

Hazel P O V:

I sat in the interview room on my own, as I glanced at the small window, I saw Angelica being escorted somewhere. She looked so expressionless, so careless, like prison was really the place she belonged.

I panted, starting to panic.
I'm going to jail.

This is it.

A woman walked in..

"Hi, Hazel."


"Do you know why you're here, Hazel?"


"Right; just to go over you are here for the attempted murder in the 2nd degree of India Collins."

I nodded my head slowly.

"How close are you and Angelica?"

"I've been friends with her for years now. Our mom's met in the same job and then, we've bonded from then."

"Right. Have you and Angelica ever had any severe arguments?"

"Yeah, mostly ones where I disagree with her, and she just flips."

"Has she ever laid her hands on you?"

"Yeah, she's slammed my head into a wall once. I told her she needs help. She never likes being told that kind of stuff."

"Right, did you report this?"

"No, ma'm."

She shuffled her papers and jotted down a few things.

"How well do you know India Collins, Hazel?"

"Not well at all. I mean, I just knew her as Jacob's bestfriend and the girl Angelica hated. Nothing else to it. I mean, my first impressions of her were a little off. She was very fond of my girlfrie-..ex-girlfriend, Grace. And as being her girlfriend at the time, I didn't like it. I found it really edgy. It put me off her completely."

She nodded, "On the day you tried to commit India's murder, what was you feeling? How was Angelica acting, the build up, summarise it for me."

"Angelica was ..mainly nervous. But she was sinisterly pumped up too. She had everything prepared and ready to go. It was a matter of, finding India, and just killing her. I was really nervous, scared.. I didn't know what to feel. Knowing I was gonna help kill somebody, it was- was scary. But, it was a relief. But, it wasn't. I've always been such a good girl, then I try something so ugly and so sick and it all crumbles."

Another officer walked in and whispered into her ear, ''Alright. Thank you.'' She nodded with a smallish smile.

''Sorry about that, right. Tell me about Angelica in general, her behavior.''

''She's always been on edge. She's never been fully there. She's always showed worrying signs. Then she got diagnosed and she pushed everyone away. It was scary. I love Angee, but I always tried to motion help her way, but no one saw it. Olivia did, her mom did.. but they ignored it. I wanted to help her and now she's just all messed up." I sobbed.

''-I-..I never wanted to try and kill anyone. I never wanted to be half the cause of an innocent girls suicide. I wanted to carry on being successful, in school especially. Gaining top grades, getting the qualifications I needed. Then having my own career, joining journalism and exploring the world. Writing, it-..it's my passion. Now what am I gonna do? I-..it's done. I ruined it. No one's going to want an attempted murderer working for them.'' I sobbed hysterically.

''Hazel, unlike Angelica, your sentence time has been changed. From what I've been told by both your lawyers and also the Judge who will be handling your cases.You see the difference in the state of mind of someone during the plotting of a murder and as they try to commit it can change many things. We see your offence as a division between voluntary manslaughter and 2nd degree attempted murder, which deters us from giving you a full life sentence of somewhere between 8-15 years. We've decided to give you a maximum of 5 years, with parole. Through a through examination of evidence over a specific period of time,  we now understand that you didn't have a weapon and showed only minor force to Collins during the attack, however Angelica showed full force in all ways, lengthening her time dramatically.''

''Oh my god. Thank you, thank you so much" I stumbled on my words. I could have gotten up to 15 years, I have to be thankful, don't I?

She nodded to the officer to her left, ''Thank you for your time, Hazel. You could get out of here sooner then you think, young lady.'' She said with the slightest smile.

''Thank you, ma'm.''

And with that, I was lead out.

Bad Little Girl. (Jacob/Princeton love story/Action.) (Completed.)Where stories live. Discover now