My dad

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Victory's P.O.V
So my dad is the legendary singer Freddie Mercury literally the best singer in the world and I'm not just saying that because he's my dad, anyway he is my dad. He had me when he was dating a girl (Mary) but I'm not her kid there was a surrogate, very nice lady I've met her a couple of times but Mary wasn't ready for kids meanwhile my dad wanted kids or kid I'm an only child. Right now it's just me and my dad living in the Garden Lodge and of course the cats, I'm currently in middle school and it's another school year coming up right now now it's Summer I'm going to be in the eighth grade so that's fun.

Today is a little family/friends get together because Brian and Rogers birthdays are coming up and my dad thought it would be a good idea to kill two birds with one stone and we are having their birthday parties here at the Garden Lodge more space for activities.

"Victory" my dad yelled "Yes" I yelled back "Can you come help with the decorations" he asked "Of course" I said and sped down stairs nearly falling "How many times do I have to tell you not to run you'll hurt yourself" he paused "And you're much too clumsy to run down those stairs" he said "Sorry" I said shrugging my shoulders and he rolled his eyes "Did you get the stuff so I could make them a cake" I asked "Yes" he said "Did you get the back up cake in case I mess up" I asked "Also a yes, but your cake's always taste amazing" he smiled "I know but they never look the part" I said "That's alright dear" he said "Anyway I should get to baking they'll be here any time soon" I told him "Did you get the gifts" he asked "Yes they are on the table" I told him "Great I'll go wrap them while you do this" he said "Sounds like a plan man" I said.

Both of us busy at work I was making home made chocolate cake with home made frosting something I learned not from my dad because he is the worst at cooking, I basically cook for us but I'm very careful about it because safety and all, I decided to take a break because the cake was in the oven and I didn't want to start the icing "How is it going in here" I asked "Great could you hand me the scissors" he asked "You can't tare tape with your hands" I asked "Is it just me or do I hear judgement in your voice" he said "No judgment here" I said sarcastically handing him the scissors "Thank you dear" he said "When is John coming over he could probably help you" I said "He is out with Brian and Roger giving us time to set up" he said "Speaking of how are things going in there" he asked "Good cakes in the oven I'll start the frosting when it comes out and cools off" I told him "Fantastic" he said "I'm glad you know how to cook and all or else we'd be screwed" he laughed "Dad, how come aunt Mary wasn't ready to have kids" I asked "She was trying knew things trying to find her passion in life and didn't want kids to distract her" he said "Did she leave you when you came home with me and hand" I asked "No, she had left before hand" he paused "She just thought I'd need the help and stayed around a bit longer" he said.

He seemed a bit sad I shouldn't of asked about Mary I know how he feels about her "So school is coming up soon are you excited" he asked trying to steer the conversation else where "Um I'm a bit iffy I'm excited to see my friends but not to wear the uniform and to see the teachers and other snot nosed students" I said "What are your friends names again" he asked "There is Gwilym, Lucy and Joe" I told him "Right, right Gwilym and Joe I assume they're boys" he said "Pretty sure yes" I said "Be careful around boys I don't want you to be that girl who hangs around with a group of boys" he said "I know, but Gwilym and Joe are different nicer than the other boys at school" I told him "Good because I'd hate to have to beat some teenagers up" he said "You'd love to do that I know you" I said "You're right but still it's fround upon" he smiled "I'm gonna go check on the cake" I told him.

*a few hours later* (still victory's P.O.V)

"Ok the cakes done gifts are wrapped any thing else" I asked "Not to my knowledge, John and everyone else are on their way here with their gifts" he said "Great" I said "They are bringing their kids too so you'll have other people to play with" he said "Dad I'm thirteen" I told him "Don't say that, you're growing up too fast it seems like just yesterday I was bringing you to my tiny flat" he said "I know I'm growing up but I'm not going anywhere and neither are you" I told him "Good" he smiled.

There was knocking on the door it was Rogers wife and children, with John's wife and children along with Brian's wife and children "Hello darlings" he said greeting Veronica, Chrissie and Dominique "Hello Freddie, thanks for helping us we really appreciate it" Dominique said "Oh it's no problem dear" he told her there were so many kids it was like an army "Ok kids listen up my room is off limits along with Victory's and the jacuzzi room is off limits as well so don't think about" he said sternly they all nodded "Victory did you bake them a cake" asked Chrissie "I did made it all from scratch" I said "It looks amazing" she said "Well I don't like to toot my own horn but toot" I said booping my nose making Chrissie laugh.

It was about two hours later and there was more knocking "That's them every one hide" dad yelled we hid behind tables, chairs, couches, and lamps "Unlock the door stupid" I heard Roger yell at John I had to hold in my laughs I didn't want to ruin the surprise, John unlocked the door and Brian and Roger went through they turned on the lights and jumped up and yelled "Surprise!!" In unison we nearly killed Roger almost gave him a 'heart attack' "Happy birthday" I told them hugging them "Thanks Victory " Brian said "I think I'm dying some one check my pulse" Roger asked "Oh stop being so dramatic" dad said "So what should we do first cake or presents" Veronica asked all the kids yelled "Cake" the parents besides my dad shook their heads because these kids will have four to five slices mean while I can't finish one slice "The children have spoken" dad said and we all went to the kitchen where we saw Tiffany, Goliath, and Delilah eating and licking the cake "No get off" I said shooing and grabbing them off the counter "Well the cake is ruined" I said.

A million tiny bites all over the cake "Oh I'm sorry dear" dad said "Man this one looked good too" I whined "Glad a bought a back up cake" he said "We can still feed it to the kids" Roger said "We aren't feeding that cake to the kids" Dominique said sternly and Roger frowned "Ok here is the replacement cake" dad pulled the cake out of the cooler "How old are you guys again" he asked "We are turning 34 and 32 "Brian answered "Good I got it right then" my dad said smiling he lit up the candles and we sang happy birthday.

"Dad did you have to go full singer mode" I asked "Nope I chose too, why did my singing not sound good" he asked "Oh don't be ridicules, of course you sounded good" I said smiling "You are my number one fan" he said hugging me "Ronnie do you want to cut the cake" dad asked "Sure" she said a grabbed the biggest knife we had "Ok be careful dear" John said flinching.

She served every one a slice of cake and there was a bit extra but not much dad let Brian and Roger sort it out since they were the birthday boys "Now for gifts" dad said, most of the kids crashed from all the suger there was practically no cake. We went into the living room and sat down "Brian you have four gifts total Roger you have the same amount" dad told them "Rang I didn't know I was friends with broke people" he joked "Just kidding" he added and gave an awkward laugh I wanted to laugh but it didn't seem like a smart thing to do "You have one from your wife, Dominique, Ronnie, Victory and I" dad said "Same for you Roger" he added.

Brian got a rock collection from Dominique, a huge science book from Veronica, and from dad and I a NASA jacket with a little envelope in side saying that he was going to NASA but not in space "Freddie how did you afford this" Chrissie asked "They aren't expensive" he said which he was right they were all rich off of their music "Right" she said, now for Roger he got a beer mug from Veronica, and the other gifts were boring like socks and stuff but dad and I pulled through again and got him a go-cart, his face lit up when dad pulled out the keys from his pants pocket, uncle Roger ran outside to the garage to go look at it "Freddie are you out of your mind a go-cart" Dominique said "It's fine he'll get bored of it in about two weeks" he said "You better be right" she said sternly and gathered her kids.

It was getting late Roger and Dominique left along with John and Ronnie and Brian and Chrissie were about to leave "Thanks again guys for the amazing birthday, and thank you Victory for the cake I'm sure it would have tasted amazing" he smiled "Thank you" I said "Ok good bye guys, drive safely" dad said, it was just dad and I and of course the cats.

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