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Freddie's P.O.V
I woke up early not wanting to wake Victory, she wakes up very easily so I can't make a sound. I'm going to the studio to work on our album it's doing good so far almost finished.

*several hours later* Victory's P.O.V
I woke up to the sun shining in my face my clock says it's 12 o'clock " ugh I woke up early " I say to myself, I got out of bed brushed my hair, changed, and brushed my teeth, I'm not feeling hungry so I'm just gonna skip breakfast.

I decided to go into the library and read, I've read like every book almost not the Stephen king books but like every thing else I've read. Mid-way through a book and I hear knocks on the door.

I don't remember expecting anybody so I stop by my room and get my brass knuckles I get these bad boys at my ninth birthday party from Roger, I looked through the peep hole and saw Lucy, Gyilam, Joe and two other boys I didn't know " hey Victory " Lucy said "oh hey what are you guys doing here" I asked " yesterday you said we could come over" she said " oh yeah I did didn't I, well come on in" I said.

"Are you wearing brass knuckles " Joe asked " yeah Roger gave them to me" I smiled, the two boys I didn't know came in one blonde and one brunette with a sharp jaw line kinda like dads "welcome to my house " I said " so who are you two " I asked " oh um I'm Rami and this is Ben" Rami said " hello it's nice to meet you I assume you're friends with one of them " I asked " yeah Joe" Rami answered " well welcome would you guys like anything to drink or eat" I asked them all, they all shook their heads no.

"Well what are out plans" I asked "let's go on a walk" Gyilam suggested "can't I'm not allowed to leave the house unless dad is here" I told them "but don't you have like security guards " he asked "no, we aren't in a public place " I said "security guards " Ben asked "oh I should explain my dad is Freddie Mercury maybe you've heard of him" I asked " of course he's like amazing " Rami exclaimed " nah I like Roger he's cool" Ben said "Roger is pretty cool I guess" I said " you know them " he asked " of course they're like family " I said " let me show you around " I said.

"This is our living room, that's the kitchen I do most of the cooking because dad can't cook to save his life, my room is upstairs and so is my dads those rooms are off limits and then the cat's rooms are upstairs too" I said " the cats have their own rooms " Ben asked " of course" I said " but Delilah has the biggest because she is dads favorite " I said " in the basement there is the jacuzzi, outside there is our big yard" I told them " so where do you guys what to see" I asked " can we see your dads awards and stuff" Ben asked "no they're in dads room" I said "oh" he said " sorry, I guess I can show you the piano room" I said " what's in there" Ben asked " his piano, and all of his legendary outfits like the black and white checkered leotard, the orange white and green leotard, the white and black stripeds leotard, the bedazzled leotard, the ruby red bedazzled leotard " I said " that's a lot of leotards " Joe said " yeah there's a couple more but I wont name all of them" I said.

"So when were you born " Rami asked " September 17, 1971" I said "wow, so you have been around for all of Queen" he said " yeah I've been to every show, every interview all of it" I said " I never even knew that he had a daughter, I mean of course I heard rumors " Ben said " yeah well it was for safety but in our last outing the reporter's got in his head asking if I was a mistake and he kinda flipped " I told them.

" I heard my mom talking about that " Gyilam said " when I got home after hanging here" he said "you didn't tell her it was me did you" I asked " no of course not" he said " good" I smiled " and no I'm not a mistake there was a surrogate, nice lady" I said " didn't he have a girlfriend Mary " Rami asked " yeah but she didn't want kids" I said " but didn't they later get engaged but never technically married " he asked " yes" I simply said they all looked kinda confused " just because you love someone enough to get engaged doesn't mean you have to have kids and he wanted to have a kid " I told them sitting down at the piano.

"Do you play" Lucy asked " I know a thing or two" I said, obviously I started playing Bohemian Rhapsody and then lead into Seven Seas Of Rhye " that's incredible " Joe said " I mean I knew you could play but wow" he said " how did you know I could play I never told you" I asked " when ever there was like music with the piano in it you'd tap your fingers as if you were playing, and you dropped your sheet music one time" he said " oh I didn't even know I did that" I said.

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