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Victory's P.O.V
I was hastily woken up by Ben reminding me that we had to babysit for John and Roger but the gang was coming over so I didn't mind too much "Ben I know your new and all but don't ever wake me up again" I told him "Yes ma'am" he said.

I shooed Ben out of my room and got dressed, Dad had already left the kids were already here but sleeping in the living room but that wouldn't last for long but for now Ben and I are enjoying it.

All the kids were now awake and running around Ben was hiding in a corner I only left for two minutes to use the bathroom "HEY, IF YOUR FATHER'S NAME IS ROGER TAYLOR OR JOHN DEACON SIT DOWN NOW" I demanded all of the children froze and dropped to the floor "Now I'm going to let you watch T.V. and I'll set out some toys so you can play with them, no one talks to me or my friends unless you are dying, throwing up, on fire, or bleeding, if these rules are broken I will call your parents immediately" I told them all "Understood" I asked "Yes ma'am" they all said in unison "Good" I smiled.

I had Ben get the toys from Oscar's room while I watched the kids and put on cartoons, Ben brought them into the living room and I layed them out on the floor. After a while the kids were very distracted by the T.V. and toys so distracted that they didn't even notice the gang come over "Who are these kids" Joe asked "John and Roger's kids, our punishment for attitude and talking back" I told him "We were gone for like a day" Joe said.

"I know, a lot happened Ben broke a table and lamp and put a hole in the wall" I said "Ben you're nuts" Gwilym said "I was mad" he said "Why what happened" Rami asked "You don't have to say if you don't want" I told Ben "No it's fine they're my friends, my dad started drinking again and the cops were called mum lost custody of me and I'm staying here for a while" Ben explained "Oh that's horrible" Lucy exclaimed and hugged him "It's fine, yesterday we went to go get a few things from my house and saw her she looked devastated" he said.

"Ben I think that's enough" I said "I didn't see Roxy though" he said "Who's Roxy" I asked "My german shepherd" he said "Any chance he'll be ok with having Roxy here" he asked "I don't know dad likes dogs and all but prefers cats over a lot of things" I said "But she could just stay in the back yard she'll have plenty of space and dad won't have to take care of her" he said quickly, he really wanted Roxy "Wait did you just call her dad your dad" Joe asked "It just slipped" he said "I will talk to padre about it" I told him.

"Victory some one's knocking at the door" Felix said "Ok I'll be right there" I said "Ben take the kids up stairs to my room and lock them in there with some toys" I told him "Why" he asked "Because I'm not expecting more people, dad is at work and will be all day" I told him "Ok I'll go take them up" he said, once all the kids were gone and just the gang and I, I opened the door slowly just to see Kimberly "What are you doing here" I asked "I came to see Ben don't flatter yourself" she said.

"I don't care who you're here to see, you need to get off my property or I'm going to call the police again and for you that means the chair" I told her, she got scared I could tell by the look in her eyes "Fine, I'll just call or something" she said "No you won't you're going to leave my family alone and fuck off like your dad" I told her and slammed the door in her face.

"Why the fuck does she want to see you" I asked Ben "I've got a class with her and she started hitting on me but I'm not interested because she's batshit and not that good looking" he said "Well she's not taking the hint" I said "Are you ok Victory you seem stressed" Lucy asked "No I'm not ok she keeps coming here, and she's here to piss me off" I said "I'm going to get the kids out of my room" I said.

Lucy's P.O.V
I hate seeing her like this because when she gets like this it's hard to pull her out of it "Are you ok" Rami asked "Don't be worried about me worry about her" I told him "What do you mean" he asked "She just gets really...I don't know how to put this she gets really sad and upset at everyone and pushes them away, I've seen it first hand once or twice because of Kimberly" I told him "Well how did you help her" he asked "Just being there for her I guess she doesn't talk about her feelings, hence the whole brick wall thing" I said.

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