Other Parents

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Freddie's P.O.V
It was early in the afternoon and I heard a glass shader in Ben's new room, I went to go check on him and when I opened the door the table had been broken along with a lamp and a hole in the wall "Ben" I yelled he walked out of the bathroom hiding his hands behind his back "What the fuck" I shouted "I'm so sorry...I don't know what happened....I just felt this surge of anger I needed to take it out" he said his voice was shaking and tears were built up in his eyes.

"Come down stairs I'll wrap your hands up" I told him "Dad what happened" Victory asked coming from the library "Ben here was breaking things in his room" I told her "I figured" she said "What" I asked "I heard him, I was going to talk to him about it later" she said "This is unbelievable, sit down Ben" I ordered.

"I'm so sorry, I should just go home or something" he said "No you're staying here I'm not letting a 13 year old out on the street" I told him "Ben what happened" Victory asked "I was just really really angry I need to take it out on something" he said "There are punching bags in the garage" I told him "I'll use those then" he said.

"I'll call someone to fix the wall and I'll have you take the broken lamp and table out to the trash" I told him, I wrapped up his hands and had him take down the broken things to the trash for the time being until I can get the wall fixed there is a painting over it "I'm so sorry" he said again "It's fine dear, Victory has broken her fair share of walls" I told him "Really" he asked "Of course she's got anger issues, that's also why she was wearing a bandage" I said "Oh yeah she mentioned something about a brick wall" he said.

"Victory" I yelled "Yes" she said "We're going out, come on" I told her "Where" she asked "Giving your statement and shopping for Ben and picking up some things at his house" I told her "Ooo fun shopping" she said "I said for Ben" I repeated "Oh that's disappointing" she said.

We drove to the police station and they sat us all down in a room "Who is he" the officer asked "Ben he's staying with us for a while" I told him "Was he there for the incident" he asked "He hasn't seen or heard anything, my daughter here has" I told him "Ok " he said.

Victory's P.O.V
"Ok what happened" he asked "The guard told us to head to my room because that's what we're supposed to do if there is an intruder or threat, I asked the guard what happened he told me about the note and my friends and I went up stairs to my room, after a while the guard came upstairs to tell me the coast was clear and the cops had been called" I told him.

"Kimberly Smith said that you guys had her handcuffed to a chair why is that" he asked "To make sure she didn't get away" I said "And the drill was for what" he asked "Scare tactic, but there was no harm caused in any way maybe her wrists were sore because she was trying to get out of the cuffs but that's all" I said "And why did you do this scare tactic" he asked "To scare her, she threatened me and my father" I said "But you said the police had already been called" he said "Yes but she is 14 she will probably go to juvie or something" I said.

"Well that's all I guess you may leave" he said "Thank  you officer have a nice day" my dad said. "That went well" Ben said "Yes indeed" I said "Yes, now to Ben's place" dad said. We drove to Ben's house, we knocked on the door.

"Ben, what are you doing here I asked you not to come" his mother said "We are just here for a few things" he told her "Ok just make it quick" she said, we all walked in and Ben grabbed his toothbrush and paste, and hair gel "Is that all darling" dad asked "Yes sir" he said "Where is dad" he asked "He's in jail, and the court said I can't see you that's why I'm having you stay with them" she said "Oh...ok...will I see you soon" he asked "I'm not sure sweetie" she said "Ok well...I love you" he said "I love you too" she said crying, she pulled him in for a hug Ben's eyes were watery "Bye mom" he said "Bye" she said sobbing.

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