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Freddie's P.O.V "
"Victory we're going to try this again did you bring something to pass time because I think Roger is still late" I told her "I am ready Freddie for this meeting" she smiled "What did I say about Queen references" I said "Oops" she shrugged "Ben you weren't much of a problem last time" I told him "Look at me the golden child" he smiled "Nope" I told him.

We sat down "Hey Victory you good" Brian asked "I'm perfectly fine, I'm calm, cool and collected" she smiled "How do you cut your wrist on a table" John asked "I slipped" she smiled "Why is she so happy, aren't you supposed to be depressed" John asked "She's only happy cause she's dating Joe" Ben told them"Joe, which one was Joe" Brian asked "The one that looks John" I answered "Ew is that why you like him" Ben asked "Ew don't be gross, I like him cause he's funny" she said.

"Guy's shut up" I told them "What's that noise" Brian asked suddenly Roger bursted through the door "GUYS I'VE GOT A GREAT IDEA FOR THE MUSIC VIDEO" he said and then tripped and stood in front of the table Victory and Ben were laughing "Are you ok" John asked through laughing at him turns out I was laughing too and I didn't even know.

"I'm fine, but this idea is great" he said "What's the idea" I asked "Drag" he exclaimed "You mean like us dressing as women" John asked "Yeah, John is an old lady, Brian wears a pink night gown with bunny slippers and curlers in his hair, and Freddie I'll let you decide want you want to wear, do you guys know what I could wear" he asked "You could be a school girl" Victory suggested "I LOVE THAT" Roger screamed and kissed her on her head "Brilliant child" he added.

"I'm down" I said "When can we start, I want to start now" Roger said jumping up and down "Well I think we need to get the set together and stuff like that, costumes" Brian said "What about that one T.V." show I asked "The one with the building's at the beginning" Roger asked "Yeah that one" I said "I love it, that can be the set the T.V. show house thing, I can see it now" Roger said "Well I'll make some calls, fallow me gents" I told them standing up "What about us" Victory asked "Stay here, wander around or whatever just don't get kidnapped and don't leave the building" I told them.

Victory's P.O.V
They all left it was just Ben and I "Well I'm hungry" he said getting up "Where are you going" I asked "Vending machines" he said "With what money" I asked "When we went to my house I grabbed my wallet, granted there isn't much in it" he said "I'll come with, people can't kidnap two kids" I said "They can but ok" he said.

It was a common studio not just Queen so there were other people here but they don't talk to each other it's like the unspoken rule that you kinda just know "Hey kid hurry up and choose" a guy said "Hey cool your jets and wait" I told him without looking at who he actually was "Hey listen you hood rats, pick a fucking candy bar" he said I turned around to see who this bitch was.

"Ahhh" I screamed "What" Ben asked completely unfazed "It's Sid Cicious, I thought you died" I asked "No you dumb fuck now hurry up" he said "And this is why dad didn't like you because you're a cocky little bitch" I told him he didn't scare me I was as tall as him but he definitely didn't like what I said.

"Wait a minute you're Freddie's kid aren't you" he asked "No shit sherlock" I told him "Victory shut up I'm trying to decide between two things" Ben said "I didn't know Freddie had two kids" he said "He doesn't, Ben is newly added" I told him "Ok well tell your father that he's got brats for kids" he told me "Oh trust me he knows" I smiled.

"Victory, Ben where did you go" dad called "Vending machines" I yelled back "Ahhh" dad screamed "I thought you died" he told sid "No, why does everyone think that" he said "Anyway why are you talking to my children" he asked Sid "I was just trying to get some food but the blonde won't decide" he said "Is that why you called us hood rats, dumb fucks and brats " I asked "You bastard you can't swear at my kids just because you're a fat ass" he told Sid "Listen Freddie, you're little brats were taking too long so I yelled" he told him "Listen simon ferocious, stay the hell away from my kids" dad told him geting all close to him "I've got it I'll get the pie" Ben exclaimed "Can we split it" I asked turning around "Sure" he said.

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