Who Is He

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Victory's P.O.V
I woke up to knocks on the door it wasn't any of my friends because it was 3 o'clock in the morning, the knocks got harder and louder over time and I started to get scared I realized I left my brass knuckles in the living from this mourning so I had no way to defend myself, I ran to dads room qnd startedto shake him so he'd wake up.

"Dad, Dad there's some one at the front door practically pounding at it they might be trying to break in" I told him "It's ok you're fine go to your room and don't let anyone into your room unless I say so" he instructed.

I ran back into my room and locked it and hid under my bed I heard him run down the stairs and unlock the door, after that I heard talking not shouting just talking I then heard foot steps leading up to my bedroom door, two knocks "Barcelona is beautiful in the winter" he said that was the code meaning everything is safe, I crawled from under my bed and unlocked my door and saw him "Who was it " I asked.

"Come down stairs with me dear" he said, we went down stairs together and a man was sitting on our couch a men I've never met before "Dad who is that" I asked "Dear this is Jim Hutton" he introduced "Jim darling this is Victory my daughter" he said "Nice to meet you Victory" he had an Irish accent "Dad what's going on you didn't sell me did you" I asked "No dear, Jim is a friend" he said "Are you guys dating or something" I asked "You could say that" he said.

"Why were you pounding on our door at 3 o'clock in the mourning" I questioned "To see your father, I was pounding on the door because no one had answered and when he called he said he'd be awake" he said with a slight change of tone for that last part "Well I didn't know you'd take so long" dad retorted "I said it'd take a while" Jim said.

"Point is you nearly gave me a heart attack you're lucky I didn't have my brass knuckles" I told him "Victory you can't go telling people you have those they're not legal" dad said "It's fine Jim doesn't look like a snitch, besides we have money we could get a good lawyer" I told him "Well Jim it's too early to drive back to your house so I guess you're staying the night here" dad smirked, I gagged slightly "I swear if I hear one peep out of either of you I'm dead" I told them and ran back upstairs.

Freddie's P.O.V
"We won't be doing anything of course Victory is here and very awake" I told him "That's fine, I'm sorry I'm so late one of my clients needed a last minute haircut" he said "It's fine dear" I smiled "Are you hungry" I asked him "I'm ok I'm glad you're letting me stay" he smiled "Of course I can't let you drive back you'll fall asleep at the wheel" I told him.

Victory's P.O.V
I'm too awake to sleep now, I would call one of the guys or Lucy but it's really early in the morning so they won't be awake so I have one choice and that's to stay in bed stare at the ceiling. I knew that the sun would rise at about 6 or 7 o'clock so I'll just stay up, sneak out of my room and watch TV or go to the library.

Several hours later
Victory's P.O.V
In my dream I was falling which caused me to wake up and I woke up in the library I guess I decided to read instead, I snuck back into my room because dad doesn't like it when I'm wondering around the house during the night, I laid down in my bed and it was comfortable especially since I had a kink in my neck that was killing me but about two secands later padre bursted through the door.

"Wake up sleeping beauty" he shouted "Dad I'm awake" I told him "I know I saw you in the library" he smiled "That's wierd I wasn't in the library" I lied "Victory dear I saw you" he said "Did you it would've been early in the morning you must've been tired and your eyes were playing tricks on you" I told him "You're not slick now get out of bed" he said "Oh alright I'm up I'm up" I told him "Go check the mail" he said "Yes your highness anything else" I snapped "Watch your self young lady " he said sternly.

I checked the mail and brought it to the kitchen where he was eating "It's fan mail" I told him "Ooo how fun" he said 'dear Freddie could you give this Roger' ugh throw this out" he said "And these too" he added and handed me five other envelopes "Dad shouldn't you give these to them" I asked "I suppose so" he sighed "This ones for me" he smiled "Dear Freddie how come we've never heard of your daughter before' Victory darling you've got letters asking about you" he said "Not too surprised" I said "What do you mean" he asked "When we went to the mall you practically screamed I have a daughter look at her" I told him "That's true I guess" he said.

"Where's Jim" I asked "He's sleeping still, I'm gonna wake him up soon though I don't want him being late for work" he said "Is he a hair dresser" I asked "Yes indeed very good too" he said "Maybe he could give Gwylim a good hair cut" I snickered "Victory dear play nice, he is still your friend" he said "It's only fair they make fun of me" I told him "People make fun of you" he asked "Yeah all the time" I said "Why you're beautiful, smart, and funny" he said "I don't know why they just do" I said

"Odd, your meet the teacher night is coming up soon" he said "How long" I asked "About two days" he said "Two days why didn't you tell me, I don't even know what I'm going to wear" I exclaimed "Calm down love you'll be fine" he said "I've got it, I'll wear my Jaws shirt and my acid jeans" I told him "Really because I was thinking your floral shirt with your acid jeans so that way on your first day of school you could wear your Jaws shirt" he said "How does it feel being a genius" I asked him "Honestly, it's so hard" he smiled.

As we were eating breakfast the door bell wrang "Any other surprise guests coming over" I asked "Not to my knowledge" he said getting up "What is it" I asked "They're flowers" he said "Aw that's sweet some fan sent you flowers" I said "Actually they're for you" he said "What let me see" I said "Yeah the card says

To: Victory
From: Joe"

He said.

"Oh my god" I smiled "Are you blushing" he asked "What, no" I said "Yes you are" he laughed "No I'm not" I said taking the flowers "What are you gonna do with them" he asked "Put them in a vase duh" I said "You do that, I'm gonna get changed and head off to work" he said "Ok don't get into any fights with anybody this time" I told him "I'll do my best" he smiled.

I ran up to my room to call Lucy "Hello who is this" asked a woman "Is this Lucy's mom" I asked "Yes this is her" she said "Can you put Lucy on" I asked, there was a delay "Who is it" Lucy asked "It's Victory, you'll never guess what Joe did" I told her "What did he do" she asked "He sent me flowers" I told her "That's great, while we're talking about people we like I like someone" she said "Who" I asked "Rami, I don't know there is something about him" she said "That's great I think you've got a chance" I told her.

"Really I hope so, hey I'm sorry for ratting you out yesterday" she said "It's fine I didn't get in any trouble, but I did hear him give you a little I'm disappointed talk" I said "Yeah, I feel so stupid now" she said "Meet the teacher is coming up" I told her "I know what are you gonna do" she asked "I'm gonna ask dad if he'll not wear the disguise this time" I told her "He wears a disguise" she asked "Yeah, nothing too major just a fake beard to go with his current mustache and glasses" I told her "Oh my God, that's why he looked so familiar last year and I kept asking" she said "I know but I couldn't tell you" I said "I know I understand " she said.

"I'm glad, I gotta go dad's leaving for work" I told her "Ok bye" she said "Bye" I told her and hung up, "Dad, so meet the teacher is coming I was wondering if you could not wear the costume" I asked "Yeah sure, but there's gonna be a lot of people" he said "I know padre I've gone out with you before" I smiled "Ok well I'm off to work, Jim is gone by the way" he said "What do you think of him" he asked "Other then giving me a sheer heart attack he's cool" I smiled "Dear, I told you to stop making album slash song references" he sighed "Right sorry have a good day at work" I told him "Bye" he said and left, I get the house to myself again yay me.

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