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Freddie's P.O.V
I'm going to die, Peter can't make it out I can't cook to save my life and it's Thanksgiving what in God's name am I supposed to do.

"Dad, you don't need to have a big Thanksgiving" Victory told me "Of course I do I always do, and it's special because it's our first Thanksgiving with Ben" I told her "It's alright, my mother never made Thanksgiving stuff we'd go to my grans house" he said "What I don't get is why we celebrate it" he asked "It's the last day of Harvest" Victory said "Well still, this needs to be good" I said "What about Jim he can cook right" Victory asked "He's in Ireland with his mother" I sighed.

"Well I could try cooking" Victory said "No" I said simply "Why don't we go to the store and get those T.V. dinners" Ben asked "ME buying a T.V. dinner" I said laughing "I haven't bought one of those since I broke up with Paul" I told them "Paul" Ben asked "He was my assistant till I fired him" I said "Ok anyway, why don't we go to the store get a small ham, I can make mashed potatoes and we'll call it a dinner" Victory said "Can you even make a ham" I asked "I don't know I've watched Peter do it, Thanksgiving is what we bond over" she said "An American holiday is what you bond over" I asked "Listen do you want to eat or not" she asked "Ok damn, get your shoes on" I told them.

We drove to the store more people then I'd thought there would be "Wow, people really don't know what they're doing" I said "Neither do you" Ben said "Quiet you" I told him, I lost Victory but she'll be fine "Grab some cranberry sauce" I told Ben "You like cranberry sauce" he asked "Victory not me" I said.

I found Victory she had a small ham big enough for the three of us "Great let's go to the check out" I said "£35" the cashier said "Here take this" I said handing him a 100 "Keep the change" I added, the guy looked like he had never seen one, so gave two more just for him "Oh can't take this" he said "Dear you don't have time to argue" I said, Ben and Victory grabbed the bags and we walked back to our car.

"Alright when we get home no one steps foot in the kitchen" Victory said "Why" I asked "I've get to get the ham started, the vegetables, the potatoes, and the pie" she said "When did we get stuff for pie" I asked "We've got pie filling at home and a crust" she said "But when did I buy that" I asked again "You didn't Peter did" she said. We got home and Victory went straight to the kitchen, because Ben and I like living we went to the living room and watched T.V.

Victory's P.O.V
"Alright I can do this" I told to myself, I put the ham in the oven, and started the potatoes, I cut myself on accident but it's ok. I had just put the potatoes on the stove when the phone wrang "Hello" I asked "Hey Victory" Joe said "Oh hi Joe" I said "How are you doing" he asked "Great, you" I asked "Good, a bit bumbed that I can't celebrate Thanksgiving with my family" he said "Why is your mother not there" I asked "No she had to stay, I'm here by myself" he said "Oh that's horrible, Peter couldn't make it so I'm cooking" I told him "That's fun, well just wanted to check on you talk to you later" he said and hung up, well what a conversation.

I took the ham out to make sure it wasn't dry and it wasn't so I put it back in, and then Ben walked into the kitchen "What are you doing" I asked "Where did you get an apron" he asked "It's mine, and what are you doing did I say dinner was ready" I asked "I'm hungry I'm just getting an apple" he said "Take a roll and leave" I told him "A roll, what part of I'm hungry do you not get" he asked "You better drop that tone" I told him "Or what" he asked "Ben you dumb blonde get out of there" dad yelled "If you die what am I supposed to tell your mother" he added, Ben glared at me and grabbed a roll.

I got another call it made me a tad bit mad because I'm a little busy with the pie but it's not their fault it's the pies fault "Hello" I asked "Hey Victory, it's Duncan dad wanted to know if wanted to come over for dinner" he said "That's very kind of you but, I'm in the middle of making dinner so I'm afraid to say it's no" I told him "Alright. Dad she said no" he yelled but he yelled it into the phone so I nearly went deaf in my right ear "Ok good bye" I said and hung up.

"Who was that" Dad asked "Duncan, his father wanted to know if we wanted to come over for dinner" I told him "What did you say" he asked "No of course" I said "Why" he asked "What do you mean why, I've been slaving over this stove for hours now" I exclaimed "Ok calm down and don't raise you voice to me" he said and left the kitchen, "Don't raise your voice to me" I said mocking him "Fuck off" I mumbled.

The potatoes were finished and I started the vegetables and the gravy, "Victory please tell me that dinner is almost done" Ben whined "Yes it's almost done" I told him "It's dark outside" dad shouted "That's how that works dad" I told him "I swear to god if this food doesn't taste good" dad said "Thanks dad love you too" I said.

*A few hours later*
Dinner was finally done everything looked great tasted great, I tried everything like the professional I am, I set the table I gave dad a glass of wine, Ben and I got water. I lit some candles that smelled like pumpkin spice and the blew them out because the scent made my stomach hurt.

"Guys dinner is ready" I told them and they ran past me and sat down "Victory I hate break it to you but this is chicken not ham" dad said "I know I ruined the ham so I made the chicken instead" I told him "Oh" he said "Anyway this looks great and I'm starving" Ben said.

They ate really fast and went in for seconds before I was even done with my carrots "Did you guys even taste your food" I asked "We're really hungry" Ben said "Well save room for the pie" I told them "What kind" dad asked "Pumpkin" I said "Where is it" he asked "The oven, I'm letting it sit in there" I told them.

They ate more and had a slice of pie and then complained about there stomachs hurting "Well it's late, you guys should go to bed" I told them, they practically crawled up stairs.

After I put the left overs away I went to check on them, Ben was asleep and dad fell asleep but he brought the wine bottle with him, I went to grab it when dad said "Leave it" and tried to grab it out of my hands "No" I told him, he probably didn't feel like arguing and fell back asleep, I took a sip of the wine and spit it out "Ugh how do people drink this" I asked myself.

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