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Freddie's P.O.V
I'm having Elton over lunch "So how have you been doing dear" I asked "I'm doing great I guess depends on how you look at it" he said "Right" I mumbled, we were talking when I got a call I was expecting Jim "Hello dear" I smiled "This is the dean, your daughter is hurt" he said "What happened" I asked "She fell of a ladder in the music room" he said "What" I asked "Yes, she ran out of his room with a broken arm" he said, fuck this would happen to Victory.

"Elton dear I'm going to have to leave for a bit, Victory broke her arm" I told him "Could I catch a nap in your guest room" he asked "yes" I said.

I left the house and saw Victory at the hospital "Well what happened" I asked "So Mr. De Vries needed something off his shelf he couldn't reach it with the ladder so he thought maybe I could and then I fell" she explained, I sighed "I'm sorry" she said "It's alright, I see you already have a cast" I said "Yes" she said "Right, well the doctor said we could leave so get your stuff" I told her "Where's Ben" she asked "Roger is picking him up and dropping him off at the house" I told her "Ok" she said.

We got back to the house and Ben was chatting with Elton in the living room "Roger didn't want to stick around" I asked "No he said he had to get lunch with John" Ben said "Freddie you never told me about Ben" Elton said "Yes I have you just don't remember" I told him "Probably, anyway Victory get over here" he said "Hello Elton" she said hugging him "How have you been" he asked "So far so good" she smiled.

"What happened" he asked looking down at her cast "I fell" she said "Well Freddie here tells me you gay" he said "Bisexual" she corrected him "What ever, but that's good finally you came out" he said "What's that supposed to mean" she asked "I told you father a while ago that you'd turn out gay" he said "Well can you blame me" she asked "No not really" he said.

"So Melina who is this Jim you were telling me about" he asked "Oh Jim is my husband, we're going to Japan in couple months" I told him "Lucky" he said "Didn't you just get married to Renate" I asked "Yes but I'm a gay man who married wonderful woman too good for me" Elton sighed "I'm sorry dear" I said "Padre could Elton stay over for dinner" Victory asked "I don't know him and Phoebe don't get along" I said "No one gets along with Peter who cares" she said, I rolled my eyes.

"Elton would you like to stay over" I asked "I wouldn't mind it" he said "Yay" Victory smiled "Could you help me with my homework" Victory asked "You're asking me" I said "Yeah it's art homework" she said "Ooo fun" I said "Well I do not have homework Jenny helped me with all of it for an extra £20" Ben said "Why won't Brian help you with your homework" I asked "Because I don't ever pay attention" he said.

Victory, Elton and I went into the piano room so she could do her work "Do what do you need to do" I asked "I need to draw a picture of a person I admire and that has a lot of meaning in my life" she paused "But I have so many people who mean a lot to me I don't know, at first I was thinking Joe but Leila wouldn't appreciate that and then I thought of her but I thought that was a bit cliche" she rambled.

"Did you think about me" I asked "Yes but that also sounded cliche, so I thought of Brian but that would make Roger and John upset" she said "I have no idea what to do" she sighed "Maybe Ben but I don't know" she said "Why not Elton" I suggested "What" he asked "Why me" he questioned "You've always been close to her, and you're one of her favorite people in the world" I said and Victory nodded "I don't know what to say" he said, Victory left for a bit and came back with a couple of pictures.

"Which one do you like best" she asked Elton "Not that one you can see me balding, but not that one because I look fat" he paused "I don't look like shit in this one I suppose" he said "Great, you guys can leave now I need to get to work" she said "Yes your majesty" I said to her.

Elton and I went back to the living room "So, how long have you had Ben" he asked "A while now Elton" I told him "Sorry you know how bad my memory is" he laughed "Yes I do" I said "You know David, he got help for his coke addiction" I said "So" Elton asked "Maybe it's time you got help too" I told him "I'm not addicted" he said "Elton, dear you are" I told him "Freddie you're no saint either" he said.

"I know but atleast I'm not addicted" I retorted "I'm not addicted" he said again "Besides you were doing coke at your last birthday party" he said "But who brought it oh that's right you did" I said "Are you two arguing in here that's not allowed" Victory said "No we're just talking" Elton said "Is Peter on his way, I'm starving" Victory said "Oh by the way, Phoebe is moving in so that way he doesn't use gas" I told her "How does Jim feel about this" she asked "He doesn't care, he knows nothing will happen" I told her "Right what's the rule on special guests coming over" she asked "Phoebe isn't active like that" I said.

"I hear you and your girlfriend have been quite active" Elton said "I hear you married a woman" Victory said "Touche" he said "Hey guys" Ben said while sitting down on the couch "Why are you so happy" I asked "Jenny said she'd give me a full refund" Ben said "Why" Victory asked "Asked me to find dirt on Gwilym, doesn't trust him for some reason but I don't really care" he said "Don't you think that's kinda messed up" Victory asked "No Gwilym wouldn't cheat on her" he said.

"Right well how much did you pay her in the first place" I asked Ben "£45" he said "All for homework" I asked "Yes" he shrugged "Freddie you've got some lazy kids" Elton said "Um excuse me you don't go to a private school" Ben said "Well I used to" Elton said "When the fifties" Ben mumbled "Ben don't be disrespectful to Elton" I told him, there was a knock on the door and then I assume Jim unlocked it "Hey it's me and Peter" he said "Finally" Victory said "Hello love" I greeted Jim "Hello, why is Elton John sitting in our living room" he asked.

"I had him over for lunch and now I'm having him for dinner" I told him "Ok, well Peter is here and ready to start dinner" he said "Great" I smiled.

Phoebe went to the kitchen while Jim and I sat on the couch "So you guys are getting married" Elton asked "Theoretically" I said "Right, and you guys are going to Japan soon" he asked "After Germany" I said "What's in Germany" he asked "I'm recording a solo album and taking the kids with me" I told him "A solo album" he asked "Yes, the band wasn't to fond of it at first but they're alright now" I said "That's good" he said.

Victory's P.O.V
This interaction with dad and Elton seems so tense, they're normally never like this. It could be because Elton is depressed and padre isn't but I don't know.

"Dinner is ready" Peter yelled, I was the first to sit down because I got picked up before lunch I hadn't eaten all day "Victory you act like I never feed you" dad said "I've got to go to the bathroom first" Elton said and dad looked very irritated by his words, I don't know why I mean he wasn't definitely about to abuse the white lady but was padre upset because Elton was addicted.

Elton came back from the bathroom more energized of course, he sat down with a big grin on his face "Elton are you addicted to cocaine" I asked and he nearly choked on his food "No" he said "Are you sure" I asked "Look what ever your father told you isn't true, I'm not addicted" he said "Lying is a sin Elton" I told him "And so is being gay, everyone at this table is going to hell" he said "I'm not gay" Ben said.

"Victory if he doesn't want to admit he has a problem we can't force him, it's not our fight" Dad said.

We continued the dinner it was awfully quiet and then a lady ran into the house "Elton" she screamed "Oh fuck" he mumbled "where have you been all day, you haven't called once" she said "I'm sorry" he said "Renate dear congratulations" dad said "Thank you Freddie" she smiled "I suppose this is goodbye, thank you for having me over, Phoebe your cooking isn't terrible" he told him "Good bye Elton" I said "Goodbye" he told us.

Dinner was over Elton was right dinner wasn't horrible, I decided to call Elton to apologize "Hello" he asked "Hey, it's Victory I wanted to apologize about the confrontation during dinner I shouldn't have done that" I told him "It's all right, I know you mean well" he said "Ok well that was all, good night" I said "Good night" he said back.

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