Regular School Day

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Ben's P.O.V
I wish I was sick again this place is terrible and their foot ball team sucks ass, I'm incredibly behind on everything because I missed almost two weeks. I'm thinking of just jumping off the building so I don't have to do the work.

"Victory what will it take for you to do my homework" I asked "Ben you've been back for two days how do you not have it finished" she said "I've been teaching the foot ball team, they're terrible" I said "Well stop and do your work or they'll kick you off the team, then it won't matter if they suck" she said "So is that a no on my homework" I asked "Yes, ask Brian to help you" she said "I can't he said I couldn't anymore" I told her "Why" she asked "Because I always have too much to do" I said "You're hopeless" she said "What ever I'm going to class" I told her "The bell doesn't ring for another two minutes" she said "I'll be early then" I said and she rolled her eyes.

Second period I have Jennifer in my class (the one who showed us around) maybe she will help me "Jen" I said taking the seat next to her "Ben" she said "Could be a lamb and help me with my homework" I asked "I suppose what am I getting out of it" she asked "Uh...friendship" I asked "No" she said flatly "Why, I thought you were supposed to be nice" I said "I am, but I want something better then friendship" she said "Fine £20" I said "Higher" she smiled "£25 take it or leave it" I told her "Fine, by the way that isn't how your bargain but I'll let it slide this time" she said "Meet me during lunch in the library, bring your work" she added "Thanks you're a life saver" I said moving back to my assigned seat.

Victory's P.O.V
I hate having to go to the music room, but the office constantly has papers going there. The teacher creeps me out and always wants me to come during lunch for tutoring or after school, the lights are always off except the lamp over the piano.

"Hello" I called "I hate this place, stupid creepy teacher, creepy room" I mumbled "Don't blame the room" the teacher said while flipping on the lights "Here are your papers" I told him "Victory why don't you stay awhile, I can teach you some things" he said "I have work to do...and how do you know my name" I asked "I'm a teacher I know everyone" he said "Well then why don't I know yours" I asked "My name is Mr. De Vries" he said "It's dutch" he added "I know it's dutch" I told him "Well now you know my name will you come to tutoring" he asked "No, I don't take your class" I said "And keep the lights on if you want me to stop blaming the room" I said walking out of the class, I swear there is something off about that guy.

*A few moments later*
"So did you find someone to do your work" I asked Ben "Yeah, Jennifer she wants to meet up during lunch in the library" he said "During lunch, I'll be all alone" I told him "I guess you should've helped me with my work then" he said walking off to his class "Wench" I mumbled.

I was called down to the office for what ever reason "Victory" dad smiled "What are you doing here" I asked "Nice to see you too" he said "I'm sorry, but what's going on" I asked "Nothing, I just wish you would have told me that you're switching from office aid to music" he said "Beg your pardon" I said "I'm so proud, you'll be great on piano" he said "No there has to be a mistake I don't want to switch" I told them.

"That's not what Mr. De Vries said" dad told me "No you can't let him switch me there's something off about him, he creeps me out" I said "Nonsense Victory everyone creeps you out" he said "No but dad I'm serious" I said "Hello Victory, I'm glad you decided to switch" the teacher said "Screw you, I don't know what you're up to but it won't work" I told him "Victory you can't speak to him like that" dad said "Padre you can't do this to me" I said "Victory, calm down" dad said "Let's go, we have work to do" De Vries said as he started escorting me out of the the front office.

What is going on, "Now we'll start with the basics" he said "We start with, Mozart" he added "I don't see how that's basics" I said "Well Ms. Smarty pants let's see what you already know" he said "Fine" I said. I started pressing the keys and I started playing crocodile rock on accident "No, something else" he said "Alright" I mumbled, I stopped and started playing RocketMan "No, No rock 'n' roll" he said "But that's all I know" I told him "Really" he asked "Yes, I'm not as good of a piano player my father makes me out to be" I told him "Clearly, well then maybe you're like Elton" he said, he scooted me off the seat and started playing something "Now copy it" he said.

I sat back down and hoped that what I was doing was the same "See your are as good as your father says, but you still need teaching" he said. The class or tutoring what ever that was ended and I couldn't have been happier, now to lunch.

I sat alone at first when David came up to me "Sitting alone" he asked "Yes" I said "Want to sit with me and my friends" he asked "Sure why not" I smiled. Normally I don't like David or his friends but I'm feeling nice today I guess "Guys this is Victory obviously" he said "Why is she sitting with us" a kid asked "He invited me" I answered
"Dude c'mon we have a rule" a different kid said "Shut up, she's sitting with us" David said "I'll just go, I know when I'm not wanted" I said.

"Sit down" David demanded "Fine but next time you raise your voice to me it's your head" I told him "Your skirt is riding up" he told me "Why are you looking" I said while fixing it "You don't want that answer" he smiled "Still gay" I told him "I can change that" he said "Stop or I'm moving" I said "Fine" he said "What are your names" I asked "Frank, Jim, and I'm Tom" he said "I know someone named Jim, him and my dad are close" I said.

"Where's your brother" David asked "Doing his homework in the library" I said "Why do you always sit with him" he asked "He's my brother" I said "Well still I'm not close to my brother" he said "Well we're two different people, we live different lives" I said "What ever" he said "So what do you guys do in your spare time" I asked "Nothing when we aren't here we sleep" Tom answered "You guys are making this very hard" I told them "Good we don't want you here" he said "Why what did I do" I asked and they didn't answer "We...we don't know" Tom said "Well then, I think I'll just go" I said.

What buffoons I'll just wander around "Guys don't be so rude she can be a bitch some times but damn" David said "It's fine, I don't like you guys anyway you've all got old man names" I smiled and left the cafeteria.

I heard running from behind "Hey wait up" David yelled, I sighed and stopped for him "Sorry about them, they're idiots" he said "Explains why you hang with them" I said "Oh haha very funny" he said "Well where are we going" he asked "I don't know yet" I said "Well I've got a couple ideas" he said "No" I said "I didn't even say anything" he said "I know it was going to be something sexual" I said "Well yeah" he said "Stop making those jokes, I have a girlfriend and those jokes make me very uncomfortable" I told him.

"What why" he asked "It reminds me of some bad things" I said "Like what" he asked "This boy I know used to like me he still could, he used to say things like that and then he tried to break me and boyfriend up" I paused "And the when I confronted him, we got into a huge fight put us both in the hospital" I said "Oh, I'm sorry" he said "Don't be sorry just stop" I told him "Right of course" he said.

As David and I were walking we ran into Ben "Done with your homework" I asked "No" he sighed "How" I asked "I don't know" he said "Oh hey David" Ben said "You know him" I asked "Yeah he's on the foot ball team" he said "Oh" I said "Oh I heard you switched classes" Ben said "No, I'm just going there if I don't have work in office aid" I said "But I really don't like the teacher he honestly creeps me out" I added "What teacher" David asked.

"Mr. De Vries, the music teacher" I said "Oh that guy, yeah he's creepy but all of his students turn out to be like great composers and shit" David said "Well he got mad at me earlier because I didn't know anything except rock 'n' roll" I said "Is he why you've playing the piano at home more" Ben asked "Sorta, I was already interested but now he says I should practice at home" I told them "We've got to go, lunch is almost over" David said "Who's we" I asked "Me and you, we've got art" he said "We do" I asked "Yeah, I just sit in the back though" he said "Oh are you any good" I asked "I guess" he said.

David and I walked to art together, "Hey can I get your number" he asked "I guess, you aren't going to call and say weird things right" I asked "No, promise, cross my heart swear to die stick a needle in my eye" he said "Ok" I shrugged.

A few hours later
"How was school" dad asked "It was ok" I said "Ben did you get your homework done" he asked "Uh...yeah" Ben said "I'll call Brian" dad said "No, he'll yell at me, could you call John he's smart" Ben said "I love how you never ask dad or Roger for help" I said "Roger can't even boil an egg" he said "Neither can you" I told him "Yes I can" he said "I highly doubt it" I said.

"I was poor of course I know how to boil an egg" he said "What does you being poor have anything to do with it" I asked "We often didn't have food, so I was eating what ever I could find, so boiled eggs were eaten often" he said "Oh well now I'm sad" I said "Well don't be now I've got you guys" he smiled "Yes nice to know you only like us because of my money" dad said "That's not what I meant" Ben said quickly "I know I'm just messing around" dad smiled.

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