Dad's Home

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Victory's P.O.V
I woke up and there were Blankets all messed up on the floor, I got out of bed and changed and walked into the living room and saw them all there including dad.

"Oh, hey guys" I said "Hello darling, are you alright" he asked hugging me "Dad I'm fine" I said "Oh I was so worried" he said squeezing me "I wish I got good morning hugs" Ben said "Shut it" I told him "How's your hand" he asked "It's fine, I was able to swim with no pain" I told him.

"Oh that's good, now tell me exactly what happened" he said "Nothing, we did everything by procedure" I told him "Good" he said "Does he know about what you did" Joe whispered "Of course" I said "The police want us to come by later so you can give a statement" he said "Cool, what about them" I asked "They didn't see anything or hear anything so no" he said "Good" I said.

Two hours had gone by, Lucy, Rami, and Gwylim left so it was just Ben and Joe "When are you two going home" dad asked "Two hours" Joe said "I don't know let me call"Ben said.

He walked over to the phone and dailed his parents "Hello mum" he said "What do you mean" he asked "No I have to come home" he exclaimed "I can't just stay here" he sighed "Yeah...yes I'll ask" he said "Is it cool if I stay here a while longer" he asked "Why" my dad said "My father, started drinking, the cops were called apparently" he said "Yes, you can stay over dear" he said.

"Yeah mom, they said I could stay, I'll see you soon" he asked " week...ok...yeah no I'll be fine..bye I love you" he said and hung up "Is it cool if I stay till school starts, mother says it's best I stay away till then" he said "Yes you can of course" he said "Looks like I'll have to do extra school shopping" he smiled "Oh no that's fine I can't let you do that" he said "Ben I'm getting you school clothes and supplies and that's that" he told him "Ok " he said.

"Victory, could you please show him to Goliaths room and clear it out for Ben" he said "Sir yes sir" I said "Come on Ben" I said, "This is your room for the time being, the bathroom is through this door right here, maybe dad can send someone to get you a few things from your house" I told him smiling trying to still be cheerful "Yeah maybe" he said glumly very clearly something happened and I hated seeing him like this "Ben you can't be sad" I told him "What" he asked "I know I haven't known you long but I consider us close friends and I hate seeing you so upset, now I'm sure you have a reason but I just need you to smile".

I told him "Victory I'd love to smile but I can't, my dad he did it again and he said he was working on it and he spiraled" he said "I'm sorry" I said "And it's all because I came here, I never should have I shouldn't have even spent the night or come over here in the first place" he said "Don't blame yourself" I said "I'm not, I'm blaming you" he said "What!?" I exclaimed "How in the hell is this my fault" I shouted "I don't know but it is" he shouted back.

"Ben don't be stupid, this is no one's fault but your fathers" I told him "I know, I know, I'm just so upset he was doing so well" he said "I'm sorry, but we'll just have to face it besides you wanted to know what it's like having a rock star as a father now you'll know" I told him smiling "He's not my father though" he said "Oh trust me, he will grow attached to you...but not in a weird way though that would be bad" I told him "That's good, I'll finally get that good father figure" he said "Stop saying that, you'll make me cry" I told him "Sorry" he said "It's fine, Goliath" I yelled "Who's Goliath" he asked "Another cat" I told him, Goliath came running out of the bathroom and I picked him up and carried him out.

"Dad where are we putting Goliath" I asked "Just put him in my room" he said "The other cats will get jealous" I told him "Oh you're right...just do it anyway they'll understand" he said "You guys are crazy" Ben said "He really likes cats, I just think they're cute and cuddly" I said still holding Goliath "My dog has a different opinion" he said.

I set the cat on his bed and left the room "Hey Victory, just wanted to say bye" Joe said "What I thought you had two hours" I asked "Family emergency" he said "Oh ok, well I hope it's nothing too bad, bye" I told him "Bye" Ben said, I watched Joe as he left and the car our normal driver drove him home, glad it wasn't dad he might've killed him.

"Ok Ben, since you are staying here we've got rules" Dad said sitting us both down in the living room "Ok" he said "You can't go in my room, you can go in Victory's with her permission" he said "And it's the same for you she needs your permission to go in yours" he added "Great" Ben said "You can't leave the house without my say so, in case of emergency you will go to Victory's room she will know what to do, if I'm not home like last night and something happens listen to the guards and Victory" he told him.

"Ok, I've got a question" he said "Ask away" dad told him "What Victory did to Kimberly was that to scare her because there were no marks on her or anything" he said "Yes, it's a scare tactic, you see my house has been broken into many a time so in any case I catch them I like to scare the living day lights out of them" he smiled "Ok" Ben said "But you don't get to do that, Victory knows the limits you might not and it's tiring to teach" he said "Oh ok" Ben said "Those are the rules, there are smaller normal house hold rules, such as no running, no yelling, you can curse with my say so, and I will not take attitude isn't that right Victory " he asked.

"Very correct" I said "What'll happen " he asked "Complete solitude, the only time you leave is for the bathroom, food it sent through a slot in the door" I told him "It's been done once " he said "Ok that's it, Victory darling I'm ordering take out tonight" dad said "Got it" I said.

Ben and I walked up stairs "I know it's really weird trust me but he does it out of protection" I told him "Complete solitude" he asked "It's just sitting in your room, I make it sound scary for him because he thinks it's so terrible" I told him "And you know limits" he asked "I don't do it often and neither does he because this place is heavily guarded and people only brake in when we aren't here and the sound alarm goes off" I told him "Oh ok" he said "It's not bad" I said "I'm glad you explained this stuff because it was sounded very weird and cultish" he said "Yeah I know but it's nothing really" I said.

"Oh, dad doesn't cook or drive" I told him "Who cooks" he asked "I do, I bake too" I told him "Oh that's cool" he said "I know" I smiled "We forgot to ask him if we could send someone to get your things" I said "It's fine I'll ask tomorrow" he said "Ok well I'm gonna go in my room, you know which is Goliaths right" I asked "Yeah" he said.

After a while I left my room and went to the library and I walked past Ben's new room and I heard him grunting in pain, and stuff breaking I'll have to talk to him about that because padre won't be too happy.

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