New Cook

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Victorys P.O.V
I absolutely hate Peter he is a horrible person and isn't that good at cooking, turns out that dad and Jim are fine happy as can be but out of no where dad hires Peter it's like what the fuck, he's super to nice to dad and Ben and guests if we have them but I'm a whole other story and I don't know why I was super nice when we first met but he just didn't like me and dad never paid attention to that for what ever reason and now it's happening all over again.

*6:00 am*
"Wake up" Ben said while poking at my shoulder "It's a sunday" I grumbled "It's Monday dumb ass" he said, I looked at my calendar and it was "Damn it" I said and shot out of bed "Why are you waking me up instead of dad" I asked "Dad left an hour ago, studio" he said "Of course god forbid he stay home long enough to drop his kids off at school" I mumbled "And Peter is taking us to school" he added "Ew no" I said "Sorry" he shrugged and closed my door "I'm going to shoot myself" I added "I heard that" Ben yelled.

Peter drove us to school and I hated it. We got to school and I was met with a surprise at my locker "Guess who" someone said while covering my eyes with their hands, the person was obviously Joe that and because he had slender fingers not bony but slender "Hi Joe" I smiled, I turned around and I was right obviously.

"I missed you so much" he said while hugging me "I missed you too" I said squeezing him "Ok tell me everything what did I miss" he said "I will but first what are you doing here, won't people think it's weird that you missed like almost two months of school" I asked "Hah it's fine I'll just say I was at a funeral or something now back to my question" he said "Well I was in the hospital but you knew that, Duncan is done being weird but you knew that too" I paused.

"Oh wait Duncan and I kissed but that was at the hospital" I told him "Wait what" he asked "I went into his room to check on him and he grabbed my shirt and kissed me I ran out immediately it was weird but it's fine now I guess" I told him "And he slapped me but that was at the 'pool party' I had when you left" I added "And you just let it all go" he asked "I like to believe that there is good in everyone, I know that Duncan made some mistakes but I can't just hold a grudge at least not with him" I said.

"Why is he special" he asked "We're childhood friends kinda, don't tell me you're jealous of a guy who hit me with a table leg" I joked "Well my favorite song is Jealousy" he said "Oh honey" I said putting my arm around him "So did the others miss me" he asked "Definitely, the boys really did Gwilym was upset that you didn't see Rami fit 15 hotdogs in his mouth" I laughed "I can't believe I missed that either" he smiled "Well it's nice talking but I have to go to class" I told him "Ok bye" he said.

Joes P.O.V
I walked into my math class and saw Duncan sitting in my seat "Welcome back Joe, take a seat next to Duncan" the teacher told me, I took my seat next to him and the teacher assigned us group work and it was just us at the table because fuck me I guess.

"Hey before we get started I just wanted to apologize to you for making the moves on Victory and the name calling" he said "You never called me names" I said "Not to your face" he said (this bitch) "It's fine, if Victory can forgive you so can I" I lied, I fucking hate him he's lucky I haven't punched him yet "Great, so let's get to work" he said.

It was really easy just simple equations but he was struggling some so I helped him but only because Victory would've helped him. "So did Freddie threaten you" I asked "Yeah said my head would be on his wall next to yours" he said while writing his name on his paper "That's fun" I said "You sound like Victory" he said "What" I asked "You talk like her" he said "Oh I guess do" I said.

We turned in our papers and talked some "So why were you so interested in her" I asked "Well first off all I still am, but I don't know she just is amazing" he said "Well yes she's amazing but she's still is with me" I reminded him "I know trust me I know but I promised her that I'd stop being weird" he said "Yeah you keep working on that" I told him.

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