Private School

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Victory's P.O.V
"No! You can't make me go!" I yelled at dad, he was pulling my legs but I had a tight grip on the door frame "Please no" Ben yelled Peter was doing the same with him.

Dad's hands slipped and I ran inside "Wait no!" Ben yelled "Ben" I yelled back "Save yourself" he yelled "I'll never forget you" I told him and I ran into the back yard and hid behind a tree "Victory come on" dad yelled "I see a little game of hide and seek" he said.

I was breathing heavily. He was getting closer then Roxy started barking giving away my hiding spot "No Roxy shut up" I told her "Got'cha" he exclaimed and picked me up "No let me go" I screamed and started kicking my legs.

We got to the front of the house again and he dropped me and I tried to make a run for it till he grabbed my legs again "No no no" I said and left nail marks on the driveway "They got you too" Ben asked "Yeah" I said "Well we tried" he said "Well I don't need to run that mile tomorrow" dad said "We should've just ran away" I told Ben "Victory dear do you want a brush" dad asked "Sure" I said and combed my hair out "Can I get a band aid" Ben asked "Same" I said.

The band aids were bright pink which I loved for some reason, I put it my knee and Ben put his on his knee too, opposite of mine "We should walk in unison because of the band aids" I told him "Definitely" he smiled "See today isn't too bad after all" dad said.

We got to the school it looked like a haunted mansion "We're going die here" Ben said and I nodded, we walked in and it was huge, looked like every student was out and looking at us "Guys this is the Dean" dad told us "Very nice to meet you two" he said shaking our hands "Obviously" I smiled and dad stepped on my foot "I mean pleasure to meet you too" I said "Hello" Ben said "Well as you can see you have a crowd" he said "Quite alright" dad smiled "Well let me show you around" he said.

"Victory I hear you enjoy art, we've got one of the best art teachers in the country" he said "Narly" I said "And Ben we've got some great sport options" he said "Like what knitting" Ben laughed and I laughed too "Children please he's trying to show you around" dad said "We don't even want to be here" Ben said "Yeah I could be with Gwilym right now or watching Rami fit 10 saltine crackers in his mouth" I exclaimed "Excuse us" dad said.

"Listen here you little fuckers you're going to this school and you're going to like it now shut the fuck up and listen the the man" dad said (The only man I know who can yell and whisper at the same time) "Fine" I said and we turned to face the dean "Where were we" dad asked "Right anyway I was very impressed with your grades" he said "I was just failing math and science" I told Ben "Same" he said.

The dean showed us around it was uncomfortable because kids were staring "Well that's it here are your schedules and this is Jennifer she will show you to your classes" he told us "Party" I said "Alright darlings this is where I leave, I have to go the studio Miami has something to tell us" he said fixing our ties "Bye I love you and don't forget we have that dinner with Jim tonight" he said "Ok bye again love you both" he said and started walking away with the Dean.

"I'm going to shoot myself" I mumbled "Maybe we can jump together" Ben joked "Hi I'm Jennifer, but you can call me Jenny and it's great to see some new faces especially ones from a rock star like Freddie Mercury" she smiled "Just take us to our classes" I said "Oh seems like we've got some eager beavers" she laughed "We have lunch together and that's it" Ben told me "Oh fuck this I'm leaving" I said turning around "If I have to be here you do too" he said "By the way cursing isn't allowed here" she smiled "Does it look like we give a rats ass" I asked her "Or you can keep doing it that's cool too" she laughed.

Ben's class was first "Bye bro" I told him "Bye dude" he said "I'll see you on the other side" I said and he laughed.

"So Ben is he your brother" she asked "Yeah adopted" I said "Oh before you go, tomorrow you should wear stockings like in the panflet" she said "You already know I'm not going to do that" I said walking into my class filled with the guys "Students this is our newbie I was telling you about" the teacher said "Hello" I said "Victory why don't you tell us about yourself" he asked "My name is Victory, I draw and my favorite singers are my dad, uncles, and Elton John" I told them "Your dad" a kid asked "Were you the one kid not out there when I walked in with Freddie dad" I said "Oh shit you right" he said.

"David you know we don't allow cursing" the teacher said "Have you met Elton John" a different kid asked "Well that's a stupid question of course I have, just assume I've met every rock 'n' roll star there is" I told them "What class am I in" I asked "Math" the teacher "Fuck" I mumbled "Ooo she cursed" a kid said "Get used to it bitch" I smiled the teachers eyes went wide "Sorry, can I take a seat" I asked "Yeah next to David" the teacher said.

"I know David Bowie too just had him over for dinner actually" I bragged even though why we had him over wasn't worth bragging but they didn't know that "Really" David asked "Yeah" I said "I don't care for him" he said "That's a shame" I said "What's your favorite song" he asked "Lets dance" I said "The one about sex" he asked "If that's how you interoperate it then sure" I said, I wasn't completely paying attention to the conversation and found it quite boring actually "Let's cut to the chase you gotta boyfriend" he asked "Yeah" I said "Name" he asked "Leila" I smiled "You're gay" he asked "Bi" I corrected him "Yo guy's she's queer" he yelled I feel like he was trying to embarrass me but when you have a flamboyant father like mine nothing embarrasses you "Damn right I am" I smiled.

Ben's P.O.V.
It's lunch, and everyone know's Victory is gay so that's cool I guess, girls are hitting on me but I expected that "Victory" I said signaling to her and she ran over "Hey, oh my god I hate it here" she said "I know word got out you're gay" he said "Yeah" she said, "How many classes do we have after this" she asked "Only two" I smiled "Thank god" she said "Yeah the only good thing here are the girls" I smiled as two girls walked passed, she was checking them out too "Hey you have girlfriend" I said "I can still look" she said.

Victory and I parted again, this girl with long blonde hair kept smiling at me from across the room, she walked passed me and put a note on my desk "Your sister is cute" is all it said "And dating someone already" I said outloud and she frowned I rolled my eyes.

*A few hours later*
"Oh my god I've never been so happy to see you" I told dad "Oh thanks I guess" he said "So how was your day" he asked us "Eh" we both said "This girl kept smiling at me and then she gave me a note saying Victory was cute" I said "This sucks I have a girlfriend already" she said "Just cheat again" I said "Damn that was...damn" she said "I'm kidding " I told her.

Freddies P.O.V
I hope they like him he'll be moving in soon "Hello love" I smiled and took his coat "Hello dear, how are you" he asked "Great dear and you" I asked "Wonderful" he smiled "Dinner is ready Victory and Ben are already sitting" I told him, we walked to the dining room and saw Ben and Victory sleeping with Ben resting his head on Victory's shoulder and her head rested on his "Guys wake up" I told them "I wasn't sleeping" Victory said "Don't hit me" Ben flinched.

"Jim is here" I told them "Hey" Ben said and Victory yawned "Why don't you two go upstairs and sleep" I suggested "No it's fine" Ben said "No come on lets get you two sleepy heads to your rooms" I said walking them to there rooms. I tucked Ben in and then tucked Victory in, reminded me of when they were younger even Ben despite the fact I didn't know he existed. "Sorry about them they've had a busy day" I told him "It's fine I'll get to know them later, besides it's just the two of us" he smiled "Indeed" I said.

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