Dads Birthday

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*fast forward to next Thursday*
"Dad wake up, I'm made breakfast for you" I told him "Victory go back to bed" he grumbled "You have to drive me to school it's it's Thursday" I told him "Ok I will later" he said rolling to the other side "No wake up now" I demanded "Oh my God fine" he said sitting up "Thank you. Ben" I yelled "Ah no more yelling" dad said "Here you go, Victory made french toast and I made the bacon" Ben said bringing in the tray of food "And I made you coffee with your favorite creamer and vodka" I said picking up a coffee cup from his night stand "What did I do to deserve kids like you" he smiled.

"Well this looks great and I'm excited for the coffee" he added "We'll give you some time to eat, do you want presents now or later" I asked "Now obviously" he said "Got it, you eat and Ben and I will get your presents" I told him.

Ben and I left Padres room "Are we giving him all the presents" Ben asked "No, just a couple" I said. Padre finished eating "Lovies I'm finished eating" dad yelled, we all went to the living room and we brought three bags with us "Ooo I'm so excited" he said "Ok the first one is from Ben" I said handing him a smaller bag "It's a coffee mug that has a spot to put out your cigarettes or to hold them" he said "I love it, I'm tired of putting my cigarettes out in Brians hair" he joked...(I hope).

"This one is from me" I told him "It's a studded belt and arm band" I added "Oh I don't wear studded things though" he said "They could come in handy just keep them" I told him he nodded and set them down "This is from both Ben and I" I told him "This looks very expensive" he said and was a fancy watch I don't know what specifically but it was a lot of money but I won't tell him that "It was nothing, do you like it" I asked "I love it" he said putting it on "It makes your wrist look slimmer" I added "What's that supposed to mean" he asked.

"Nothing, how was breakfast" I asked "Great, are you guys ready for school" he asked Ben and I both nodded yes, we piled into the car "Victory are you wearing a t-shirt with my face on it" Dad asked while looking through his mirror "Yep, so is Ben" I smiled "And a yellow scrunchie your favorite color or one of them" I said "I wish I had known that I would have worn my yellow scrunchie" Ben joked.

We arrived at the front of the school "Ok lovies have a good day at school, don't get into trouble either" he said (I feel like he was specifically talking to me because he made direct eye contact) "Bye dad" Ben said getting out of the car he ran off to go play foot ball with some kids "Bye padre, happy 38th birthday" I smiled "38" he asked "Pretty sure" I said "Hm I don't look bad for 38" he said looking at himself in the mirror "Bye happy birthday, love you" I told him "Bye darling" he said.

I talked to Lucy all morning we kept leaving class and meeting up in the bathroom to talk "Have you seen Joe today" I aske her "No I haven't seen Rami either or Gwilym" Lucy said "Odd" I mumbled while fixing my hair in the mirror "Perfect still ugly" I smiled "Oh shut up" Lucy said "Whatever, are you coming to padres birthday party tonight" I asked.

"I don't know it's a school night and I already have homework" she said "Oh come on, David Bowie will be there and Mick Jagger, Prince not Michael they don't get along him and Prince" I told her "It's tempting" she said "Come on I don't want to be there by myself " I said "Won't the others be there" she asked "The boys are probably sick they sounded sick yesterday and Ben will be too busy fan girling" I told her "Oh alright" she sighed "Thank you so much you're the best" I said hugging her "I know I am" she laughed "Ok I have to get back to class, I'll see you at lunch" I told her.

We left the bathroom and walked in opposite directions to our classes, current class was History we were doing the history of England and it pretty interesting actually I wasn't expecting that I mean I've always liked history but this was really cool anyway normally at my table was Joe and Gwylim but neither of them were here so I was alone which I hated a lot.

The Cool DadNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ