First Day Of School

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Victorys P.O.V
We had to wake up at 6 o'clock which I think is stupid because school doesn't start till 8:00 but whatever "Breakfast today is cereal or oatmeal I'm not cooking" I told Ben and dad as I sat down at the table, I took Padres coffee and it tasted horrible "Ew, what's in this" I asked "Vodka" he said taking his cup back "Can't you just have normal coffee you alcoholic" I said "Dude" Ben said "Sorry" I said apologizing to him.

His real father was an alcoholic "Anyway, why did we have to wake up so early" I asked "Because I've got to stop by at your school and make sure that Kimberly doesn't mess with you" he said "Dad it's fine I can take what ever she throws at me" I told him "I know you can, I can't" he said "What" I asked "Last thing I need is you getting depressed again, running away and becoming a crack whore on the streets" he ranted "I'm sorry I just can't loose you" he said grabbing my hand "What about me" Ben asked "Ben you haven't been in any trouble that I know of so I'm not too worried just don't beat up Joe I guess" he said and Ben nodded.

Padre drove us to school in his normal attire, casual. He walked in with us Ben and I got our final schedules and waited outside the principles office like he told us too "Why are we waiting" Ben asked "Padre told us to and we listened" I said "But I'm bored and want to explore the place before school starts" he said "That's right, you're new I'll give you the tour" I told him.

I gently tapped on the door "Come in" dad said "I'm going to show Ben around he's new, I'll catch you before the bells rings" I told him "Ok see you in a second" he said. Ben and I wondered around school "Upstairs is for eighth graders like you and me, where we are now is for the seventh graders and that hall there is for the disgusting sixth graders" I told him "Weren't you a sixth grader" he asked "Yes and I hated them then too" I said "Anyway there's an elevator but you need to be a teacher or like disabled to use it I think" I said "Cool " he said.

We walked back to the principals office "Hey padre" I said "Hello children, so bell will be going off soon meaning school will have officially started" he told us "Do you guys have classes together" he asked "A couple" Ben answered "Ok well don't be too much of a distraction for each other and that goes for the rest of the group" he said "Got it, how did things with Mr. Cruise go" I asked "Good Kimberly won't be too much of a problem but I have bad news" he said "What" I asked "You know how we suspected that Mrs. Smith your teacher could be Kimberlys mother" he paused "Yeah " I said "Well we were right so that's going to be hell for you, but if it gets too bad then I'll have you removed from the class and placed into a different one" he said.

"I'll test it out first" I told him "Ok, well I'm going to head out I need at the studio we're starting a new video" he said "Ok I love you and I love you, have a good first day don't get trouble, good bye darlings" he said kissing the top of our heads and he left "Did he just he loved you" I asked "I think so" Ben said "Look at that I told you he would welcome you to the family with open arms" I smiled "Ok let's just get to our first class".

He said he didn't like being center attention for things like that "We have separate classes we won't be together until third period" I told him "We'll be fine" he said "Do you want me to walk you to class" I asked "Sure" he said. I walked Ben to class upstairs but then I ran into the gang so I got side tracked "Sorry I'm late even though tartys don't kick in yet but still" I said some what frantic I knew all eyes would be on me when I looked up from my desk and I was right "It's fine....what's your name" he asked.

"Victory" I said "Uh...last name Mercury" he asked "That's me" I smiled "As in Freddie Mercury "A girl asked "Yes" I said "Alright well it's nice to meet you Ms. Mercury" the teacher said, I looked at the board and his name was Mr. Adams "Uh Victory is fine no need for the last name" I told him "It's more formal to talk by last names sorry" he said I frowned slightly "Anyway now that everyones here we are going to sign a class contract" he said and I groaned out of annoyance.

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