Many Surprises

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Victory's P.O.V
"Dad we need to have a chat" I told him "Oh god, about what" he asked "I want to start taking birth control" I said "Bitch what" he asked "I want to go on birth control" I repeated "Why, you aren't having sex are you" he asked "Don't be stupid, I'm with Leila" I paused "The birth control helps regulate periods" I said "You get periods" he asked.

"Yes, I'm a female it happens every month" I told him "But you'll have to see a gynecologist" he said "I know" I said "I'm calling Mary if that's alright with you" he said "It's fine" I said, while he was waiting for Mary to pick up he asked me a question.

"You and Leila haven't you know...yeah right" he asked "....No" I lied "Why was there a pause" he asked "Hello Freddie" Mary asked "Welp gotta go bye" I told him and ran out of the kitchen. "Why was there a pause" he yelled again but I still ignored him

Freddie's P.O.V
I started crying "Freddie are you alright" Mary asked "No" I told her "I'm on my way" she said and hung up.

I moved to the living room and started crying in there too and then Mary came in (had her own key of course) "Freddie what's wrong" she asked while sitting down with me "Victory wants to go on birth control" I told her "That's understandable" she said "And she has to see a gynecologist" I said "Also understandable, Freddie what's wrong" she asked, I pulled my self together, taking in deep breaths.

"I asked Victory if she and her girlfriend and she said no" I paused "Why is that bad" she asked "There was a pause" I told her "Oh" she said "Exactly, she's too young to be doing that" I said "Freddie she's growing up, she's 14" Mary said "14 is too young" I told her "Well she's your kid I won't tell you what to do" she said.

"I could take her to the appointment, if you'd like" she added "Oh please" I said "Victory" she called "Hi Mary" she said all cheeky "I'll schedule you an appointment, I know a great doctor" she said "Could it not be a guy" Victory asked "That's fine, I'll be leaving now" Mary said.

Mary left and it was just me and Victory, Ben was at Shaun's house, "So dad how was your day" she asked "Scary, have you and Leila really done that" I asked "Ugh if you must know" she said taking a seat in front of me "But dear you're too young" I said "Same age as you when you had your first gay encounter" she retorted "Victory you can't base everything you do off me" I sighed "I don't " she said.

"Were you safe or do you guys need to be safe" he asked "Well I didn't do anything she did" she said "When was this" I asked "I'm not telling you that" she said "That's alright, I don't want to hear anymore" I told her "How about this, we go get food or something to distract you from me growing up, we can go to that one burger joint that I loved" she suggested.

"That place closed down" I told her "When" she asked "After we stopped going" I said "Still we can go get ice cream, stroll in the park" she said "I think I'll just be sad about you growing up, ask Jim or something" I told her.

Victory's P.O.V
"Howdy Jim" I said, he just came from the garden "Hey girlie " he said "Could you take me out for ice cream, padre won't because he's sad" I told him "I don't see why not" he said.

He changed from his gardening clothes to one of Padres shirts and a pair of Jean's "Do you and dad always share clothes" I asked "Most of the time" he said, we hopped into the car and started driving.

"So why is your father upset" he asked "I asked to go on birth control, and he found out Leila and I had sex" I told him "Ah I see" he said "He'll snap out of it soon" he added. We got our ice cream, tasted great, he told me I should die my tips pink. I told him it wouldn't work because I'm a brunette and I don't want to bleach it.

We eventually went home after ice cream we went and saw a movie it was terrible but great to make fun of we were talking the whole time. When we got home padre looked worried "You good" I asked "Where have you two been" he asked "We got ice cream and saw a movie" I told him "Why didn't you tell me" he said "You're the one who told me to ask Jim" I exclaimed "Hey hey, let's not go crazy ok, Freddie let's go upstairs and talk" Jim said.

Jim's P.O.V.
"Freddie you've got to stop treating her like a little girl" I told him "Jim I'm just worried what if she ends up just like me" I said "What's wrong with that" I asked, he ignored the question and sat down on the bed and patted a seat next to him "Freddie dear what is it" I asked.

"Jim...I' it" he said "Got what" I asked and then I knew what he was talking about "No, I refuse" I told him
"I got tested and it came back positive there's nothing they can do" he said "No we can try other doctors or physicians" I told him "Jim, there's no point, I have AIDS" he said.

"Well then atleast keep your voice down, you know how Victory likes to listen into our conversations" I said "Or does she know" I asked "No she doesn't know, how the hell do I tell my daughter that" he exclaimed "I was just asking Freddie" I said "You're right, I'm sorry" he said "Let me go apologize to her" he said, but then we heard a door slam shut.

We both knew that she was in fact listening, maybe she didn't hear all of the conversation. "Victory dear, did you hear me and Jim talking in my room" Freddie asked and we saw her wiping tears off her face "No, I didn't" she said "Then why are you crying" I asked "Allergies" she said "Oh dear" Freddie said sitting down next to her, she immediately wrapped her arms around him.

"You can't leave, I don't want to be independent" she said while crying into him "I know love, I'm not dying tomorrow though I still have time" he said "How long have you known" she asked "Not very long" he said "Is it from bad blood or unprotected sex" she asked "I feel like we all know the answer to that" Freddie laughed "But if you die who do I go to, where does Ben go" she asked.

"You both go to Brian, he isn't my favorite but he's the most father like" he said,"Alright I'm going order some pizza" he said "Does Ben know" she asked "Yeah, he found my papers for treatment" he said.

We left her room I felt horrible my husband was dying and his daughter just found out, and his son found out from papers not even from Freddie, "You should get tested love" Freddie told me "I'll do it tomorrow, are you alright" I asked him "Not really" he said "It's alright dear" I told him and hugged him. I wasn't going to get tested if in fact I was positive he would blame himself and feel bad and he doesn't need that right now.

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