Twenty Two.

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Chapter Twenty Two : My blood, her blood.


"So... I've been living in this misery that I call a life... because you were afraid of my powers..?" Jieun said, and chuckled sarcastically.

She took a few steps, and entered the circle in which Jungkook sat in, his eyes full of guilt. For the first time, it was so easy to read him.

"And I thought that my escape was the person who is responsible for my suffering." She smirked, again sarcastically and walked behind the chair of Jungkook.

He didn't dare look up anymore. How could he even look her in the eyes now? After all these lies, and these secrets.

"How long were you going to keep this from me?" The princess asked, her broken heart pouring from her words and her voice started to shake.

Jungkook didn't answer. Words weren't enough to describe how much he had fucked up, and words definitely weren't enough to explain how sorry he was.

She sighed and untied the rope that held his hands together. Then she walked in front of him, and offered him a hand.

The prince finally looked up, his eyes barely seen from the hair that was covering his forehead. His hands had dried blood all over them, the color of red staining his pale palms and the tips of his fingers.

"You can go, Jungkook.

But I'm not coming with you." Jieun held tightly on Jungkook's hand, not wanting to let go. But she didn't want to be near the person who kept her in the dark all this time, and tried to play the hero.

"Don't leave me, Jieun... I know.. I know I fucked up, I shouldn't have done what I did but I love you. I love you so fucking much." He pleaded, begged and apologize, but this time the roles had reversed. As the girl looked into his eyes, he felt intimidated, and scared. Cold.

"Do you? Because if you did, you wouldn't have lied. You may not have even mentioned it, but not saying anything even when you know the truth, is still lying. And I don't hate you because you practically murdered me. I hate you because I don't hate you at all." She bit her lower lip, trying to stop herself from sobbing and continued "How am I gonna be free with the person who stripped me from all my rights, all my happiness and freedom in the first place?"

"Jieun.." he said, trying to cup her cheeks in his hands but she took a step back.

"Go, Jungkook.... please..."

He looked around, staring into the eyes of Hoseok, who was seen mischievously smiling from across the room, observing how the two lovers love was crashing onto the floor. Jungkook shifted his gaze to Jieun, who now was walking towards the wooden doors of the room.

"I'm not giving up on you, Jieun. I'm coming back for you, whether you like it or not!" The devil screamed after her, but she didn't even spare a glance.

Jungkook tried, he tried to run after her, but Hoseok quickly twirled his hands around and pushed him back into his chair.

"I'm only going to let you leave because you mean so much to Jieun." The prince said, mumbled, barely even audibly and calmly walked towards the trapped demon, as he placed his hands full of magic and power into his pockets.

"But..." Hoseok put one of his hand on the side of Jungkook's chair, right above his shoulder and waved the other hands finger in his face, "if I ever even see you breathe around her, to even think about her... I will not hesitate to kill you."

And with those final words, and one final smirk, Hoseok vanished into white dust.

Jungkook's eyes watered, he regained control over himself but still sat lazily on his chair. His bloodied hands went up to his eyes as he sobbed, loud noises of grief echoing in the room.

He cursed, he swore, he kicked everything around him from rage and guilt that had built up in him, but nothing, none of these things would bring her back...

The urge to appear in front of Jieun was undeniable, but how could he even look her in the eyes right now...? How could he even spend another second of his life without regretting what he had done...?

He fell on his knees, dried tears on his cheeks became wet again as the salty water fell from his eyes once more. He looked at the his hands that had darkened blood all over them, and couldn't help going back to the day when that blood belonged to Jieun.

• Flashback •

"Jungkook this is ridiculous, call off your army or I'll be forced to call them off myself!" Jieun yelled, her white large wings had now turned to a dark grey from rage, while her usually dark grey eyes had turned to complete white as she observed the devil dressed in black, who carelessly leaned onto her castle's cream colored walls as he crossed his arms over his chest.

He wore all black, as his bright red eyes and dark maroon wings added more than enough pop of color. His lips were stained in red as usual and he grinned at the angry angel who stood before him.

"I can't, orders are orders, I could never possibly go against the most powerful, could I now?"

"You are not only threatening to destroy my warriors, you're also risking our relationship!" Jieun yelled, getting closer to Jungkook while thumping her feet on the ground.

"What relationship, Jieun? The one you've been constantly running away from?" He stood up straight, and got closer to the angel in white, looking directly into her eyes, and seeing just how different they really are. "The relationship you think is a mistake? The relationship that you will never take seriously enough to even consider?!" He raised his voice, frustration eating out his insides and creeping out from his mouth.

"I have considered it Jungkook, you're just too-"

"Too what?" He caught her off "Evil, different, bad?" Silence took over, Jieun looked down at her feet, not denying any of those statements. Jungkook observed her, tears almost pouring from his eyes but he held them back and sarcastically chuckled as his tongue poked the inside of his cheek. "That's really all that you see me as?" he stopped to take a deep breath, and then continued. "I'm tired Jieun... I'm tired of being your toy. You're supposed to be the nice one, the good one, the one who fixes everything, but you're destroying me inside and out..."


"I will end your army if you don't call them off now, Jungkook... and then we can have this conversation." Jieun said, not giving a care in the world and turned around, not taking a single glance at the heartbroken man in front of her.

And then... Jungkook out of impulse, rage, jealousy, envy, hatred... shattered the heart of the angel, repaying her the favor that she had done to him.

• End of Flashback •



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