Twenty Three.

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Chapter Twenty Three : Do you?


Her hands touched the white silk that covered her body, her hair had been messily tousled everywhere, dark bags under her eyes were very much so noticeable, and her normally pink cheeks had gone pale.

Every now and then, the princess' stomach would growl, begging to her to eat, but even with all the signs given to her that she needed to rest and eat normally, Jieun decided to ignore all the calls from her body and lay in her bed, wide awake, thinking of every good and bad memory with him.

A sigh escaped her lips, her brown eyes looked at the window in her room, as yellow light started to shine in, letting her know that it had already been sunrise, 3 days of not seeing him, feeling him, being with him...

The princess looked down at her silky sheets, with an emotionless gaze she stood up and walked over to the window.

With her weak and shaky arms, she pushed herself up and that's when she heard the door open.

"Jieun, this is just ridiculous at this point." The Queen, her mother, walked in. Her brown hair was tied up in a neat bun, and she wore a tight navy blue dress as her crown shined on her head.

"What are you doing, mother?" She asked tiredly, and her gaze followed the queens movements.

Her mother started to make her bed, lecturing her daughter "I can't believe you're like this over some boy! You're a princess, darling, and princesses don't lock themselves up for 3 days and bawl their eyes out!"

"He wasn't just some boy, mom. I think he was the love of my life..." she muttered.

"Darling, you're blabbering nonsense from not sleeping and eating." The Queen said out loud and put a baby pink dress on Jieun's bed. "Wear this, do something with your hair, and come down to have breakfast." She shined a bright smile, which Jieun did not return and left the room.

The girl sighed, and slumped down onto the floor in front of her window. "Where are you, Jungkook? Even after all you did to me... is it bad that I still love you? That I still want you, and need you?" Tears started to build up in her eyes, but she shook her head and stood up.

Walking over to the mirror, she straightened her posture and gulped, analyzing herself. It's only been 3 days but she looked drastically different. Not only physically but mentally. As if a part of her had left.

With a gulp, she got undressed from her nightgown and started to dress herself up in the formal, pretty dress.

"Psssttt..." she heard a voice. Startled, she looked around the room, only to see nothing.

The princess didn't think much of it, so she shook her head and continued.


"Who's there..?" She couldn't tell whose voice it was because of its low tone, but deep down she hoped it was Jungkook's... but to her disappointment... there was no one around.

'Have I finally gone insane?' She thought to herself and turned around to the window, letting out a scream as she jumped back.

A figure was seen, sitting on the windows edge, with a saddened expression plastered on his face.

"Jieun... come back to me... let me come back to you." And as soon as he finished saying those words, he disappeared.

The princess gulped, looking around her room in shock, not having a single idea as to what was going on. She was scared. Did Jungkook really make such an impact on her for her to have hallucinations of him?

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