My Lovely Adira

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Casimir felt very insulted and challenged with the man's assertion of his claim. His brows furrowed as he drew the curtains back to cover his wife and faced the man hiding under the hood.

"So brave to claim my wife as yours, yet too much of a coward to reveal yourself?"

"Your taunts won't work on me, your highness. So please, step away from my woman now."

"Is this your work?" Casimir asked the thing that's been bothering him.

"Aye. I'm not proud of it since that imbecile's too stupid to actually hurt my beloved when he should be killing you, but then I thought doesn't this work out in the end?

If you end up killing me, she'll die too. And then, even in death, she'll always be mine. Actually, she's very strong—my lovely Adira, that is.

With the amount of poison I placed in the arrow, it should have killed her on the spot. But here she is, suffering for an extended three days."

He laughed crazily as he flicked his hand and materialized a black sword out of thin air.

"Dark magic?" Casimir muttered.

"Aye, the prince really is a genius as everyone said. Yes, your highness, I'm a dark magic user and so is my beloved Adira."

Casimir froze and stared wide-eyed at the man who claimed his wife practiced the Dark mystic arts. He cannot believe it. No. He refused to believe it. If she did, then she wouldn't shine as brightly as the sun and attract so many damn foolish Icarus.

"Well, it's okay if you don't believe it, she'll be mine soon anyway." The man shrugged his shoulders before he lurched forward and brandished his sword at Casimir.

The latter quickly drew his own sword and parried the attack. Pushing the man back, Casimir chased after him with his own combination of attacks.

And oddly enough, this man knew all of his patterns.

"Isn't it weird how I can predict your next move? Oh! I found a gift a while ago so I helped myself to it. You wanna see her?" He laughed sarcastically and waved his other hand again before a black portal appeared and Iris was spitted out.

"Your highness!" Iris screamed and was about to run towards Casimir when the man caught her by her hair and harshly pulled her back.

"Uh-uh! Lady Latifolia, do you not miss me? We went through so much together as you chased his highness and I helped you, right?

You were so stupidly running around spreading rumors about my woman to break them apart. I helped you because I thought maybe you might just do the trick. I really staked my bet on you to seduce his highness.

But you failed. So I discarded you cause you've got no use. But then, what's this I hear? You can heal Adira? I can't let you do that, can I? So I'll send you off first."

He suddenly stopped ranting and raised his hands up to pierce the sword at her heart when she glowed brightly—enough to momentarily blind the man holding her by the neck—and materialized countless blades from a separate space through a portal.

And abruptly pulled one out to stop the sword that was about to skewer her.

The shockwave created from two opposing magic blew the both of them apart.

Everything finally clicked inside Casimir's brain as he watched the two of them duke it out and carefully studied the man's movements! The bastard finally lost it! His wife forgave his folly and this bastard dares again?

"Ah. This time, I'm not sparing you anymore. Whether Adira likes it or not, she'll move on and you'll just be a passing memory.

She'll wake up and rule beside me for many years to come. She won't be done in by mere fools like you. Adira's stronger than you think she is. And she's mine."

Casimir announced before finally showing his fighting prowess and pushed the man back to the point he was forced to run away.

But, oh no, Casimir wasn't gonna let him get away this time. He'll make sure he never breathes again.


Adira suddenly opened her eyes and noticed the gossamer curtains were drawn.

And suddenly, she had this urge to get up, which really proved to be difficult given that she had been laying down unconcious for who knows how long. It was like her body was in autopilot. She was aware and conscious but she didn't have full control over her actions.

"Heise, confn ekess ve sia vrak. (Heise, come to me my child.)" A language she didn't know she knew spilled out of her lips.

And the dragon, anxiously and sorrowfully waiting for his mother's call at the forest a little ways away from the castle, perked up and immediately flew off at the slightest sound of her voice.

It was as if the wind carried her mother's weak voice speaking in the language of the dragons. He didn't care nor wonder why it was but his mother called him. No one—man, dragon or God—can stop him from going to her side.

A strong gust of wind and a loud flapping sound resounded outside the balcony and Adira stood up to walk towards there, all the while ignorant of the lady that sat there with mouth agape and eyes as wide as saucers at not only seeing Adira up and strutting as if nothing's wrong but also witnessing that large blue-eyed black dragon hovering outside the balcony.

Th-That. Is. A. Freaking. Dragon!!!

"Gethrisj. (Go.)" Adira commanded as soon as she rode atop the dragon's back and flew away.

And left a fainted Iris sprawled on the floor.

Heise rounded the castle once before flashes and ringing sounds of iron hitting iron reverberated on the area and Adira saw Casimir facing off a man hidden under a hood.

"si mi gethrisjir vhira, Heise. (I'm going down, Heise.)" Was all she said before jumping down from the dragon's back, waving her hands and materializing a sword forged with her fire, as she struck Casimir's enemy down.

"What... are you doing, Leon?" She asked, angry and blazing.

"My love!" He was shocked to see her standing and moving about all healthy and fine and that's when he remembered that he left Iris at Casimir's room.

Did she do something to Adira?

"How dare you hurt what's mine?" She suddenly raged and blazed hotly before launching a series of attacks one after another while Leon did what he could to fend off her onslaught of attacks.

"My love, please cease this. I do not want to hurt you."

"Don't you dare call me that! How could you love me when you helped Iris ruin me?!"

"I did it so Casimir would cast you aside! I did it so you would be mine! You can only be mine, Adira! Only mine!"

Adira was suddenly pulled back before Casimir took over and pushed Leon back. He just cannot sit back while his wife dukes it out with him and certainly not so after he heard what Leon said.

"Is that how you love her? By killing her?" Casimir spat when he cornered Leon.

"You... You're Casey's assassin?" Adira asked in disbelief. All these time, the person she'd been trying to locate was hiding right under her nose?!

"It wasn't me who shot her! It wasn't my fault! It's yours, Casimir! You did this to her! And today, it won't only be Adira who dies because of you!"

So there ya gooooo! The traitor has been unmasked! Haha only one guessed it right! But don't worry, an explanation will come up soon! Stay tuned!

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