Chapter 4 ~ Getting to know each other

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Levi's POV

I looked over the information Mrs. Katie gave me for what seemed like the millionth time. I wanted to connect with Luna, I just didn't know how. I've never been the best at communicating, but school starts next week and I want to get to know her better personally.

I sighed and walked down the stairs. Luna was sitting on the couch with a sketch book in her lap and the TV playing softly in the background. It's like 7am... "Hey, Luna." I spoke up. She jumped and turned around. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay." She smiled.

"What are you doing?" I sat down beside her.

"Just some drawing." She shrugged. I looked over and saw some very realistic drawings that obviously took weeks to create.

"That's amazing." I stared at them in disbelief.

"T-Thank you." She blushed and flipped through the sketch book. "I like doing portraits. This is my brother."

"Jackson?" I asked.

"You know about him?" She seemed a little shocked.

"I was given a lot of information when I adopted you." I said. She nodded her head and closed the sketch book. "So what do you want to do today?"

"Don't you have work? It's Monday."

"I go back tomorrow, I wanted to spend time with you." She blushed again.

"Could we go to the park?" She asked.

"Sure." I nodded.

Time skip

Luna's POV

Levi and I walked down the sidewalk as the nice summer breeze blew past us. Kids were playing and some people were riding bicycles. "So, school starts next Monday." Levi suddenly said.

"Oh really?" I nervously played with the end of my shirt.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, it's just I was always homeschooled at the orphanage." I said. "I've never been to an actual school. The only friends I've ever had was at the orphanage, and they usually got adopted."

"And you didn't?" I shook my head.

"I was fostered a few times. Each time the parents just got too busy for me, one even had another baby." I explained. "The cute small kids always got adopted first. I guess I was just too quiet and shy for anyone's liking."

"Well I like you just the way you are." Levi smiled at me.

"Thank you." I blushed and returned the smile. "That means a lot." And to think this guy is such a "grumpy grump."

"And I'm sure you'll make plenty of friends at school." He said. "Just remember Erwin and Hanji will be there, too." I nodded and felt something against my leg. I looked down to find a cute Husky puppy dragging a leash.

"Hey there." I bent down and petted the dog's head. It licked my hand and rolled over. "You're a cutie." I chuckled.

"I'm so sorry!" A middle-aged woman ran over to us. "He's a wild one."

"It's okay." I smiled. The puppy happily yelped and trotted away with its owner.

"Do you like animals?" Levi asked.

"Yeah, I don't know why, but I've always been drawn to him." I said. "I think I want to go to college to be a vet." He nodded. "Do you like animals, Levi?"

"I kind of like dogs." He said. (Official fact: Levi loves dogs!) "But they can be so messy." So he is a clean freak after all.

Time skip

Levi and I went for lunch at a local diner downtown. "So, Levi, what exactly does the Survey Corps Company do?" I asked while we waited on our food.

"We're an insider group that helps protect the surrounding cities from dangerous gangs and such." He said. "I founded it myself." Hearing that I nearly choked on my tea. "Are you okay?!" Levi started to freak out.

"Yeah... You founded it yourself?" I asked. He nodded.

"I've... been through some things. Erwin helped me get back on my feet and I started the Survey Corps." He said. "But that's another story for another time."

After lunch Levi and I went to the store to get some supplies and food for school starting next week. He went to go look for Windex or something while I picked out some cute binders and such. "Jean! This isn't funny!" Someone yelled.

"I saw it first, Jaeger!" What in the- My thoughts were cut off as I was trampled to the floor. I slowly opened my eyes to find a pair of bright turquoise ones staring back at me.

"I am so sorry!" The boy quickly got off of me and helped me up.

"I-It's okay." I rubbed my arm.

"Are you okay?" He asked anxiously.

"Yeah, probably just a bruise." I shrugged.

"Eren!" A female voice called. He sighed.

"That's my cue. Sorry again!" He waved and jogged off the scene. Well that was weird. His eyes, though... they were gorgeous.

"What happened?!" A familiar voice anxiously asked from behind me. Levi grabbed my arm and examined the purple bruise already forming.

"I just fell." I said. "Probably hit it on the corner or something."

"Please be careful." He gently grazed his finger over the bruise. I nodded and we continued our shopping.

The rest of the day went smooth and we ended up home. I got all my stuff together for school and while I was nervous, I was also excited. I just really want to meet some new friends.

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