Chapter 9 ~ Family

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The rest of the week passed peaceably and now it was the weekend. I already did my homework and sat down in the living room to relax. "Luna." Levi came into the room. "We... got to go." He seemed a little uneasy.

"Okay, where?" I asked.

"My mom wants to meet you." He said. Mom? So basically... my grandma?

"Oh, okay." I said. I grabbed my purse and got into the car. "So, where does your mom live?"

"The hospital." He answered.

"Oh." I looked down at my hands.

"She's been really sick for a couple years now. I try to visit her often, but it's hard with work and all." He said. "She wanted to meet you before she... passes."

"Okay." I said quietly. Eventually we pulled up to the city hospital and went up the elevator. Levi seemed to know exactly where to go. We came to a door that said "Kuchel Ackerman." That's a pretty name.

Levi knocked and then slowly opened the door. I followed behind him into the room. On the bed was a beautiful but very frail and pale woman. She looked to only be 50. "Hey, mom." Levi went over and gave her a hug. They really do resemble each other.

"Hello, dear." She smiled and wrapped her small arms around Levi. After a few seconds he pulled back and motioned me to come over.

"This is Luna." He said. I managed a small smile and met the woman's beautiful silver eyes.

"Hey, Luna. I'm Kuchel." She smiled at me.

"H-Hi." I stuttered and we sat down by the bed.

"So how's the medicine working?" Levi asked.

"It's fine. I'm just tired a lot." She shrugged. We talked for a while about work and school until a doctor came and pulled Levi outside. "So how's Levi been lately?" Kuchel quietly asked.

"He's been good." I said, confused.

"That's good." She sighed. "I worry about him sometimes. He's got a lot on his plate."

"Yeah..." I agreed.

"You know, I've always wanted grandchildren." She chuckled. "But I won't be here for long, I know that." She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "So please, Luna, take care of my baby. He's got so much going for him. He's so kind, even if he doesn't show it all the time. He needs someone by his side."

"I promise." I held back my own tears. I've only been living with Levi a couple weeks, but I can feel how deeply she cares for him and loves him. I mean, she is his mother, after all.

Levi's POV

I stared down at the doctor's papers of results, trying my best to stay composed. "We've done all we can." He said. "She'll make it to New Years at the most. I'm so sorry."

"It's... fine." I looked away. "I knew it was coming."

"Let us know if you need anything." He patted my shoulder and walked away. I took a deep breath and walked back into the room to find Luna and mom whispering, both about to cry.

"What's wrong?! Are you in pain?" I rushed over.

"No, no. I'm okay." Mom wiped her eyes. "I just... really love you... Both of you." She pulled both me and Luna into a hug. A couple tears slipped down my cheeks as I hugged her back. I'm not going to have this for much longer.

Luna's POV

After a few more minutes we said our goodbyes and left the hospital. The air was heavy and I felt like there was something wrong with Levi. "Are you okay?" I asked him.

"She only has a few months left." He answered. "If even that."

"Oh." I looked out the window as the hospital grew farther into the distance. "I never knew my mom." I said, remembering Kuchel's words from earlier. "But... you can come talk to me about it. About anything, really." He spared a quick glance at me from the road and gave a small smile.

"Thank you, Luna." He grabbed my hand and held it. "And vice versa."

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