Chapter 23 ~ Life as we know it

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A/N: Sorry for slow updates! The end of my first college semester is kinda stressful! I hope everyone has good holidays!

Luna's POV

After Kuchel's funeral it was the weekend, thankfully. Mine and Levi's house was full of food from friends and coworkers but neither of us really felt like eating any of it. It was a quiet house now and one could sense that things were different. I mean, how could they not be? Things would never be the same again.

"Are you... going back to school in a few days?" Levi asked as we sat around the dim TV. Oh right, Christmas break is almost over.

"I guess." I shrugged. "Are you going back to work?"

"Mmh." He nodded. I then glanced at the clock and saw that it was nearly 11pm.

"Just... don't overdo yourself, okay?" I gave him a hug.

"I won't." He wrapped his arms around me, too. I didn't fully believe him, but I knew I'd just have to be there for him if and when he needed me.

I sighed as I changed into my pajamas and laid down in bed. I may not have known Kuchel long, but she was literally my family. I wish I could have spent more time with her and gotten to know her better.

I turned over onto my back as I wiped my watery eyes. I knew that Levi was probably doing the same, but that just made it worse.

Time skip

The next Monday started the new school semester. Everybody was extra nice to me and didn't overcrowd me. Eren, Mikasa and Armin were especially encouraging. "Do you want me to come over today?" Eren asked as we walked to class together.

"If you want to." I nodded.

After school we stopped by our favorite coffee shop and then got home about the same time that Levi did and ate dinner. I think Levi was kind of getting used to Eren and he wasn't being as harsh towards him. Poor Eren still had major anxiety around him, though.

That night we all three watched a few movies before it got late and Eren had to go home. Things slowly got easier, but I knew I couldn't have done it without Levi and my friends from school. I mean, that's what family is about, right?

I wouldn't know. I have no biological family left. But they don't have to be biological, right? It sounds cliché, but I knew that Levi and I would be okay. Life may be hard at times, but it'll all be worth it in the end.

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