Chapter 32 ~ New addition

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I sighed as I tried to focus on my studying. Finals were this week and I had been at it for a good few hours by now. My friends and I had met up at the library earlier, but I was home now trying to cram all the knowledge into my brain.

I stopped as I heard a knock on my door. "Dinner's ready, you should take a break." Levi said.

"Yeah, I guess." I agreed as I followed him downstairs and to the kitchen. I yawned as I tiredly ate my food.

"What exams do you have tomorrow?" Levi asked.

"Math and Science." I answered. "Hanji said she'd make it easy for us, but still."

"Well I'm sure you'll do great." Levi encouraged. "Actually, I have a surprise for you."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yep, close your eyes." He said. I did so and heard him walk away. "I remember when I first adopted you, you said you wanted to be a vet. You still feel that way, right?"

"Hmm." I nodded.

"Well, I figured you should get some experience first." He sat a slightly heavy box in my lap. I opened my eyes and carefully removed the lid. Staring back at me were two huge chocolate-brown eyes belonging to a tiny Labrador puppy.

"What?!" I exclaimed in shock. "You always said pets were too messy!"

"Well, I happen to like dogs, too (Official fact!:)), and you've been through a lot lately, so I figured I'd get you something to help." Levi smiled a little.

"Thank you so much!" I hugged him tightly. I then turned back to the puppy and picked them up. They immediately snuggled up to my chest. "It's a boy. You can name him whatever you want." Levi said.

"Hmmm..." I thought as I looked at him. He had really smooth but soft fur and was very handsome. "Lance." I said. The puppy licked my cheek in agreement and jumped from my arms to explore the house.

Time skip

That night I got a little bit more a studying done before spending some time with Lance. He was really sweet but very playful. I was really happy to have him around. I sent a picture of him to my friends and they insisted on coming over sometime to meet him.

I yawned as I finally settled into bed for the night. I had taken Lance out to use the bathroom, and now he was snuggled beside my waist in bed. "Goodnight." I smiled I scratched his head. He yawned and quickly drowsed off into dreamland, me followed suit soon after.

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