Chapter 26 ~ Taken

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(F/C)- Favorite color

"Amazing!" Hanji clapped as our group finished presenting our science project.

"I told you it would work." Mikasa smirked at me.

"I know." I chuckled and we left class, having been the last group to present. "So are you going to the dance in a couple weeks?" I asked.

"Unfortunately." She sighed and I looked at her confused. "I... lost a bet. I'm going with Jean." I couldn't help myself from laughing as she glared at me.

"Sorry." I calmed down. "Eren and I are going, too. We decided on (F/C)."

"Well, I guess we could go... shopping." She seemed pained to say the words. Mikasa didn't really strike me as the shopping type.

"Awesome. We can invite the other girls. I wouldn't want Eren to see my dress until the night of." I said.

Time skip

After school, all the girls and I carpooled to the mall to look for dresses. There was a big variety of designs and colors which is good since each of us has our own style. I eventually decided on a medium-length (F/C) dress with matching heels. I've never really worn heels but Historia insisted I get them.

Once we all picked out our dresses, we met up at the food court. I had previously texted Levi to let him know I'd be home a little later. He said it'd be fine as long as I don't stay out too late because of school tomorrow.

It was nice hanging out with all the girls for a change. I love the boys, but I also like talking about more personal stuff with the girls.

Unfortunately the clock ticked on and we had to go. Mikasa and Annie took most everybody home because they lived close by. I watched them get on the road safely before walking out to my car.

Getting in, I set my bags in the passenger seat and put my keys in the ignition. Wanting to go, I pressed on the gas. Nothing happened, though. I repeated the process a few times before getting out. There was a lock on one of my back tires.

"For goodness sakes-" I was cut off when I felt two strong arms wrap tightly around my torso and a rag being held against my mouth and nose.

"Hey, shhh, it's okay." A voice whispered in my ear. From the corner of my eye I saw a few more people, all looking similar to the men that cornered me when Levi and I went holiday shopping.

I tried with all my might to use the self-defense moves Levi had taught me, but they were too strong. I immediately stopped when I felt a gun barrel being pressed against my ribcage. "Just go to sleep." The man whispered. I quickly got drowsy from whatever drug was on the rag and unwillingly blacked out.

Levi's POV

I sat on the couch by one lit lamp as I stared at my phone. It slowly got later and later and Luna still wasn't home. She was too good to disobey me, so I increasingly got worried about her well-being. Once my phone showed 11pm, I activated the tracker app I installed on her phone. It still showed at the mall. The mall's already a dangerous place, but it should be closed by now.

I quickly grabbed my keys and hopped in my car, speeding off to the mall. The whole time all I wanted was for Luna to be safe and healthy. I have no idea what I'd do if I lost her, too.

I finally pulled up to the mall and circled it before finally spotting her car. It was, of course, the only one there at this time of night. I parked beside it to see the driver side door open, her purse and shopping bags in the other seat. I guess that's where her phone was, too.

I inspected around the car to find a heavy duty lock on one of her back tires. I came around to the front to find an all-too familiar symbol stuck underneath her windshield wipers.

"No no no no no." I grumbled to myself as I grabbed the piece of paper and looked for any more clues, sadly finding none.

They got her.

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