Chapter 16 ~ Trouble

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Luna's POV

I softly hummed along to the radio as Levi and I went out to buy some Fall and Thanksgiving decorations. He said he's never decorated for the season before so he didn't have any.

"Nothing sparkly. It's too messy." Levi said.

"Okay, Levi." I chuckled. Why is he such a clean freak?

We finally pulled up to a seasonal decorations store and grabbed a shopping cart. "These are cute." I held up a pack of different colored pumpkins.

"Sure." Levi shrugged and I put them in the cart. We continued walking around for about half a hour picking out different things. We were having some guests over for Thanksgiving this year so I really wanted to make the house look even better. "I'm going to the restroom." Levi eventually said.

"Okay." I nodded and kept walking down the aisles of scented pinecones and such.

"Hey, you." A voice whispered. Looked around, I saw a very built man behind me with a black hoodie and some facial tattoos. In fact, he looked like a biker. No, more like a-

"Hi." Deciding not to judge, I gave a small smile and continued looking around.

"You know Levi?" The man suddenly asked. I stopped as my heartbeat started speeding up.

"Y-Yeah... I should probably go find him now."

"Not so fast, little girl." Another man blocked the entrance of the aisle.

"W-What's it to you g-guys...?" I asked nervously.

"You see, sweetheart." A third man stepped closer to me. I then noticed that they were all three wearing matching jackets. Examining more, I noticed something that told me I needed to go immediately.

The Titans?! The Titan gang?!

"We want you to tell us a little about our old friend Levi." The man said. "Old friend"?


"Who exactly are you?" The first man took a strand of my hair in his hand and examined it.

"I-I'm his daughter." I said, trying to stay calm.

"Daughter? Don't make me laugh." The man scoffed. "There's no way he has a daughter."

"He does! He adopted me!" I suddenly grew defensive and confident.

"I like them feisty." The second man, now behind me, rubbed his hands up and down my arms.

"Stop..." I shivered.

"Let's go ahead and go." The third man pulled out a small bottle and a cloth as my hands were held tightly behind me.

"S-Stop! LEVI!" Suddenly the man with the cloth fell to the ground out cold. I heard a sickening crunch as the other man got punched square in the face. I looked to see Levi with the scariest expression he's ever had, and that's saying a lot.

The man that was holding my arms behind me slowly let go and backed away. He shook his head with a scowl and ran away. I let out the breath that I was holding as Levi embraced me in a really tight hug. "Are you okay?" He asked softly. I could feel his heart racing just as fast as mine.

"I-I think so." I was still a bit in shock. "Who were those people to you?"

"I'll... tell you later." He said.

Levi's POV

Come on, Levi. It's been four months now. What if this happens again? Then she'll have to know.

Regardless of my thoughts, I kept my mouth shut and slowly let go of Luna. "Let's just go home." I ditched the cart and tightly held her hand.

I'll protect you, Luna. You won't be affected by my past.

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