Chapter 33 ~ Seniors

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"We did it!" Sasha yelled as she canon-balled into the pool. I tried to shield myself from the water as Connie and Jean jumped in, too. The weekend after our last exams, my whole friend group came over to have s celebratory pool party.

"So, how does it feel to be seniors?" Hanji suddenly appeared behind me and Eren.

"Stressful." Eren immediately answered.

"Pretty crazy." I chuckled.

"Well you better get ready- Oh my goodness, a dog!" Hanji immediately ran off after Lance. Lance yelped and ran away from her. I can't really blame him.

"So, do you know what you're gonna do for college?" I asked Eren as we grabbed some watermelon.

"Well, remember how I told you a while back that I really wanted to work for your dad's company one day?" I nodded. "Well, I still really want to do that. I just want everyone to live in a world where they don't have to fear. I want people to feel safe and happy."

"That's why I want to be a vet." I agreed. "I want to help others out, and help them enjoy those around them as much as they can."

"I love you." Eren said so purely. "You're so amazing."

"Right back at ya." I smiled as Eren wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a kiss. The warm sun and being surrounded by our friends and family made everything so perfect in that moment.

"That's enough!" We suddenly heard Levi yell from one of the windows of the house. I looked up but he quickly shut the window back.

"He's so- What, hey!" I exclaimed as Eren picked me up and started running towards the pool. "Eren, no-!" I was caught off as Eren dropped us both in the pool. Everyone joined in after us, enjoying our last moments before the real world started getting more serious.

Did I mention that this book only has 2 or 3 more chapters?😭

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