Chapter 19 ~ Past

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I reluctantly left Levi and went to the kitchen to make some black tea. We then sat on his bed as he calmed down enough to talk. "I know when you first met Erwin and Hanji they told you to take care of me." He said. "Do you remember Oluo asking if you ever get scared living with me?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Well... that's because I used to be a part of the Titans." He said. I looked at him in complete shock while he looked down in shame.

"Okay." I finally nodded again, urging him to continue.

"I didn't grow up in the best situations." He said. "I only ever knew my mom, Kuchel. We were always really tight on money and such. Kenny would help us out whenever he could, but still." He took a deep breath. "One day, I cracked under all the pressure and weight of the world. I went out and got into some pretty awful stuff. While out one day, I was scouted by the Titan gang. They promised me a stable home and food, and they came through. There I met two of my best friends, Farlan and Isabel. They were like family to me." He started slightly shaking again so I held his hands. "One day, the police showed up. That was normal, but there was so many this time. There was a huge fight. Farlan and Isabel... were among the ones who didn't make it out." I wiped a few straw tears from his cheeks. "Erwin used to be a police officer until he couldn't take it anymore and resigned, then becoming a teacher and principal. He was there that day, and sure enough he took me and the rest of the unescaped gang members to jail. I was in there for a couple months until Erwin pulled a few strings and got me out early. He said that he saw potential in me and someone who just wanted a good life. From there on, I met people like Hanji and Mike. Without all of them, I'd still be some low-level thug. Possibly dead. I don't know."

"That's... wow..." I sat in shock. I never would have imagined that he'd been a part of the most dangerous gang around.

"I worked as an assistant math teacher at Titan High until a few years ago when I started the Survey Corps Company to help protect the cities around here from gangs like the Titans." He said. "I know not all of them are bad people. Some of them just want a nice life, like me. But some of them are bad people, like the ones we ran into while shopping."

"Yeah... That was pretty scary." I said.

"And now I'm afraid because I don't want them to start targeting you." He said. "They could definitely use you to get to me. I want to make sure that both the Survey Corps and I personally are doing our job to protect everyone from people like them. I... I can't lose you, Luna..." His voice cracked. It hurt me so much to see him like this. The strongest person I knew had his limits too.

"You won't." I hugged him tightly. "I promise, you won't. I'll get stronger, and smarter. I may not be your biological daughter, but I'll be just like you. I... I love you, Dad." He physically stiffened before he tightly hugged me back. I could feel even more tears fall down his face.

"I love you too, Luna." He smiled. I started crying a little too as I was wrapped in the arms of what I call home, who I call home.

"I... I'm really tired." Levi chuckled and yawned.

"Then let's just go to sleep." I said. I held him in my arms as he quickly fell asleep. I then scooted to the other side of the bed and started dozing off into dreamland.

"Goodnight, Luna." Levi mumbled, half asleep.

"Goodnight... Dad."

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