Chapter 11 ~ Closer

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The next day Eren, Mikasa, Armin and I all met up at a local coffee shop to hang out. We invited everyone else, but most of them were already busy or still asleep from last night.

"So, Luna, have you gotten adjusted to everything now?" Armin asked me.

"I think so." I nodded and took a sip of my drink.

"It's been almost a month now since we met you." Eren said. "I still can't believe you're Levi's daughter."

"That's rude." Mikasa said.

"No! I-I mean... you're just nothing like him." Eren quickly said. "You're so nice, and gentle, and-" He cut himself off and blushed after realizing what all he's said.

"T-Thanks..." I blushed, too. Why does it feel so good to know he thinks like that of me?

"A-Anyways..." Armin looked between us. "If you don't mind me asking, what's it like being his daughter?"

"Um..." I searched for the right words. "He's really caring, and protective. He's nice to talk to, if he's in the mood for it." I chuckled. "We've both... been through stuff, so we relate a lot."

"'Been through stuff'?" Mikasa questioned. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it's just..." They've really helped me out these past weeks, they deserve to know a little about my past. "Levi and I aren't really related." They looked at me confused. "About a week before school started he adopted me."

"I knew it!" Eren slammed his fist on the table.

"I knew all along." Mikasa said and noticed my confusion. "I'm his cousin, remember? I would have known if he had a kid." That's right... "But you didn't mention it, so I waited until you were ready."

"I wanted to tell you guys, it's just... I've heard so many stories of adopted people getting bullied." I looked down at my hands. "I was scared."

"We would never do that." Eren smiled at me.

"Thank you." I smiled back. "Long story short, I lost both my parents and my only brother. I was living in an orphanage and foster homes up until a month ago."

"Well we're really glad we met you." Armin said. "And we won't tell the others anything until you do."

"Thank you." I wiped a single tear from my eye. "For everything. I don't know what I would do without you all."

"Group hug!" Eren exclaimed and they all embraced me. I laughed and held them back until we heard someone clear their voice behind us. I turned around to see Levi standing there. He had dropped me off earlier while doing errands.

"Ready to go?" He asked me.

"Sure." I nodded. I then said my goodbyes to the three and walked out to Levi's car.

"What happened back there?" He asked.

"We were just talking." I said. "I told them a little more about my past." He nodded and focused on the road.

Eren's POV

After Luna left we settled back down and drank the rest of our drinks. "So when are you going to tell her?" Mikasa asked me.

"What?" I questioned.

"When are you going to tell Luna that you have feelings for her?" Armin said.

"W-What?! I don't!" I could feel my ears get warm.

"Eren." Mikasa raised her eyebrows at me.

"Fine." I sighed. "But I don't know. You heard her just now. She's been through a lot the past month, I don't want to press anything else new on her so fast."

I was a little sad about waiting, but I don't even know if she feels the same way about me. I mean, she's amazing. She's so sweet, and smart, and beautiful. I felt my face heat up even more just thinking about her, but another thought still lingered in the back of my mind.

I'll have to get through Levi first.

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