Chapter 10 ~ Movie Night

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(A/N: Hey you guys! So I just wanted to mention that I changed a part of the last chapter where I said Kuchel would only make it a couple more months. It's August now in the story so I changed it from a couple months to New Years at the most bc...)

Over the past couple of weeks school has been settling down and life has been pretty good. Every Saturday Levi and I go out to do something together and sometimes go see Kuchel. She's always really sweet and nice to talk to.

I've been getting to know my friends at school a little better, too. They've really made me feel accepted. In fact, tonight we were all planning to have a movie night. I'm surprised he agreed to it, but Levi said we could have it at our house. The place was already spotless and everybody was bringing the food.

"Those brats better not spill anything on the couch." Levi said. "Or the rug. Or the-"

"I'm sure they won't." I chuckled.

"YO!" Sasha suddenly burst through the door.


"Hey, Sasha." I patted Levi's shoulder to calm him down as I went to greet Sasha. I then saw everybody else outside. "Oh, you all carpooled."

"Yeah." She shrugged. One by one everybody filed into the house carrying food and board games.

"Come on, Eren." Mikasa said, half-way out the door.

"He hates me!" Eren whisper-yelled back.

"Come on." Mikasa eventually dragged Eren into the house.

"Umm..." I looked at Mikasa for an explanation but realized that I didn't know if I wanted to hear the whole story or not. "Nevermind."

"Get off the floor." Levi looked down at Eren.

"R-Right!" Eren scrambled to his feet. Levi sighed and walked away to his room. "Hey." He smiled at me.

"Hi?" I chuckled.

"So this is where you live, huh?" He looked around the living room. "It's pretty nice."

"Thanks." I blushed.

"Oh, how's your grandma? I overheard you telling Mikasa about her."

"She's doing alright." I said.

"Luna! Where are the forks?" Connie asked, his mouth already full of food. I shook my head and put everything out. We ate first and then sat down for the movie. It was comedy, so everyone was engaged in it.

Afterwards, we sat down to play some board games and such. First we played Monopoly which was a big mistake. Jean was now pouting in the corner while Marco tried to talk to him and Armin was crying softly on Mikasa.

We then played truth or dare which wasn't any better. I think we've all been a little scarred tonight.

Levi's POV

I non-creepily stood by the door frame watching as all the kids conversed and had fun. I was glad that Luna had made a lot of friends that she seemed to get along with, even if they are brats, especially Jaeger. He seems to have an interest in Luna. I don't really know how I feel about that.

"Oi." I whispered as he came out of the bathroom.

"Y-Yes?" He stuttered.

"I'm keeping my eye on you." I said. "You'll have to come through me first." I turned on my heel and retired to my room.

To be honest, I've grown a little protective over Luna. I mean, she is my daughter after all. And any boy, especially him, will have to understand that.

Luna's POV

Eventually everyone got tired and left at their leisure. Eren, Mikasa and Armin were the last to leave. Armin probably tired himself out from crying and Mikasa isn't the most social person. "I guess I'll see you at school Monday." Eren said as I walked out with them.

"Sounds good." I smiled. They eventually drove off and I headed back inside, pretty tired myself.

"Have fun tonight?" Levi asked in the living room.

"Yeah. Thank you for letting them come over." I said.

"No problem." He looked away.

"Well I'm going to head to bed. Goodnight." I grabbed my stuff and gave him a small hug.


DadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora