Chapter 24 ~ Surprise

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Levi's POV

I sat with my head in my hands, looking at the neat paper in my hands. How could I forget?! It's been a few weeks now since my mom passed away, so I guess my mind has been all over the place. Luna's birthday is tomorrow, and I have no idea what to do.

I groaned as I grabbed my phone beside me. I picked the contact and waited for the other person to pick up, dreading the words I would have to say. "Hello~?" They finally answered.

"Hanji, I need your help."

Time skip

"One hour! We have one hour!" I yelled as mine and Luna's friends rushed around the house putting up decorations and setting the food out.

"Levi, calm down." Hanji whined. I was pretty frantic, to be honest. At the last minute I got Jaeger to take Luna out so everybody could come decorate for her surprise party. I had to make up an excuse yesterday to go shopping for her a gift. I bought her some clothes and a promise ring. We don't have to be related by blood to be family.

"Hey hey hey!" The door suddenly burst open. Startled, I quickly spun around. I narrowed my eyes at the person.

"Who invited you?" I grumbled.

"Just my other niece." Kenny smirked while Mikasa smiled deviously at me. She's never liked me anyways...

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"Umm, Eren just texted me they're on their way back now." Armin said.

"Stupid Jaeger!" I grumbled. "Everyone, hide!" I knocked a few people over as I hid behind the couch. We waited for a few minutes until I heard Luna laugh outside. The door finally opened and the lights were flicked on.

"SURPRISE!!!" Everyone jumped out from their hiding places. Luna screamed and jumped onto Eren. He shut the door and carried her into the living room.

"W-What?" She blushed.

"Happy Birthday!" Hanji jumped towards her, causing all three of them to fall to the ground.

"Okay, that's enough." Erwin pulled her away.

"Aww, thank you guys." Luna tried to make herself look smaller, a bit embarrassed. "Wait, you took me out just for this?" She asked Eren.

"It was your dad's idea." He shrugged. Luna came over and hugged me.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"Can we eat now?" Sasha whispered to Connie.

"Yes!" Hanji brought out the plates and got first dibs.

Overall I'd say the party went pretty good. It was loud, but Luna seemed happy so that's all that matters. She got emotional over the promise ring, but I'm still glad I got it for her. Now we were both stuck cleaning up the place because everyone ran out before they could help.

"How did they get cake on the ceiling?" Luna asked as she stood on the couch, wiping the ceiling off.

"They're your friends." I smirked.

"Yeah yeah." She chuckled. "I think that's it." I looked around at the living room, now spotless again.

"Well did you have fun?" I asked her.

"Yep. I've never had a surprise party before. There were so many of us at the orphanage so birthdays weren't a huge deal." She shrugged.

"Next year you'll officially be an adult." I commented, referring to her 18th birthday next year.

"That's kinda stressful." She chuckled.

"You'll be just fine." I kissed the top of her head and she headed off to bed. Now alone in the living room, I smiled a little to myself as I was able to share yet another milestone with Luna.

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