Part 7

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Hoseok was now sitting on the chair facing the desk of the doctor.

Hoseok sighs. "But why did you?"

Yoongi sighs looking at Hoseok. "She deserves to know about her past with Jin hyung. I know that hyung will tell her the truth but that will take years for him to admit everything. And  honestly she keeps asking so many things."

Yoongi stood up walking near the window. He looked at it seeing Jennie Kim his girlfriend leaving.

"Besides... she seemed to still love hyung even though she can't remember him."

He sighed. Walking back to his seat. "She does asks a lot. But hyung you should've kept silent."

"I'm not the Yoongi who you will never bother. I can't control my mouth now."

Both fell into silence. They don't know what to say anymore. They don't even know what was going on.

A knock came making their gazes look through the door. It opened revealing their long gone friend.

"Namjoon." Both of them breathed out. The said man forced out his smile showing off his dimples.

He sat next to Hoseok. "It's been long."

Namjoon said making Hoseok sigh leaning his back to his seat.

"Oh tell me about it. I miss hanging out with you and Jimin. Where is he anyway?"

Namjoon shrugged. "I haven't a single talk to him after our farewell the day he went back to Busan. He doesn't keep in touch with anyone?"

Yoongi took out his phone. "I do. But he never messages me after the last thing he said."

"What was it?"

Yoongi showed the two curious boys their messages to each other. "He said that he will meet us again."

He took his phone away from their faces. "But when I asked him whe  was that time he never answers tha question. I was still hoping we could all be together again."

The three of them are again in silence. God how these boys fucking hate silemce but they weren't like the usual kid they used to be.

The five boys who would always do trouble and skip classes when they were still studying are now gone.

(Only five because they never knew taekook before.)

They are now hard working people who was finding a time for their selves sometimes but because of busy schedules they cannot hang out anymore.

Later Namjoon left the office and went back to school to teach. Same with Hoseok who still had a patient to check on leaving Yoongi alone.

He was still looking at the message Jimin last sent him. He cannot get over it and so he wishes one day they would meet again.

I was still busy about something but don't worry hyung. I will meet you guys again one day.

When Jimin?

Jimin, please meet us again. We want to see how you are.

We need you.

He decides on sending him one more text message hoping Jimin would reply this time. And surprisingly...

He did.

Jimin... can you please just answer me one last time?
Do you still wanna be our friend and be with us? We're getting worried about you.

I'm outside the hospital where you are working right now. And hoseok was taking me there to you hyung. I miss you guys so much.

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