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"Welcome to you new office! These are your colleagues that will be working closely with, please introduce yourself!" The Chief walked out of the room and left me with my new colleagues. 

"Hi, I'm Li Y/N..." 

All I got was a wave from one keen and smiley officer. "Hi, I'm Jeon Jungkook! Glad to have you on our team!" 

Haha... Nice... 

What should I say??? 

Should I even say anything to begin with?! 


Just as I was about to open my mouth to say something completely random, the Chief walked back into the room with another man walking behind him. Our gazes met and I smiled an awkward smile. 

MY EYES!!!!!!!!! They felt like they were on fire! OH MY GOSH!!

He smiles back and the way I literally died from that lethal smile of his. It was memorable as well, to be honest.

A gummy smile...

Ok, I lost myself there. I become WAYYY too dreamy and that wasn't good because this is my first day! And if I get sent back home (which I have experience of) - that would be disgraceful. 

"Rookie officer Y/N, meet your mentor Min Yoongi!" 

Ahh, so that was his name! 

"Glad to meet you," he says and holds out his hand. 

My brain cells were dancing around fire because I didn't know what to say or how to react. 

And I was dumb enough to give my mentor a high five... 

I was expecting a scolding but he chuckles instead. 

"Youngsters these days..." 

He said it as if he was some old guy himself. He was young- to me. Not too tall but his uniform was studded with badges and medals of honour. He certainly was experienced because you don't just get medals and badges for free. 

I hang my head in shame and walk to my assigned desk. He watches me walk back to my desk and continues to watch me log onto my computer and start my tasks for the day. 

"LI Y/N!" 

The voice startles me and I look up instantly. 

"Y..yes sir," 

"This is your first day at work over here, I do not expect you to mess up at the beginning! Quit with that insolent behaviour and act professional!" Says the Chief. 

"Yes sir!" 

Wow, my first scolding on my very first day in the hour of my job. I can be amazing sometimes but often, my brain decides to switch off at the wrong moments. COME ON Y/N! I can do this! 

"I'm sorry sir, I'll not let you down again!" I say, obviously at the wrong timing. Jeez. I'm making a fool out of myself right now. 

"That's ok, don't worry about it. I could have made the same mistake," 

He sees me take a sigh of relief. 

"Just make sure it doesn't happen again-" I look up into his eyes, "-or you'll be sorry..." He smiles again and then leaves the room. My fingers began to tremble as his words sent a shiver down my spine.

"Or, you'll be sorry..."


Hey guys! 

This is another Fanfic that I will be working on after CAUGHT IN A LIE is finished! If you haven't read it yet, please do! This story is not linked to it though so it doesn't matter which one you read first :)

This is just the prologue so please comment any feedback because it will help me a lot!! 

I will try to update this more once I finish writing CAUGHT IN A LIE. 

Thanks for reading and Remember to vote! 


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