Part 12

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I was stinging in pain all over my body. I couldn't even stand up anymore. I just wanted to go back home but I don't think that I will be going anywhere but to the police station now. It was already 5am and I hadn't gotten a wink of sleep so far. Within 2 more hours, I would be awake for 24 hours- my life by the numbers. 

I felt bad for handcuffing junior officer Jungkook. He had been really nice to me today and encouraged me not to mess up. And here I was screwing up big time! But if I'm really honest, part of me was enjoying this thrill. A new chance to run away. Almost like a game of cops and robbers but there were no robbers only cops. 

Was it even right to feel that way? 

The thing that was really troubling me was: WHY THE HELL WAS HE STILL CHASING AFTER ME EVEN THOUGH I WAS FIRED?!?!?!?! 

Why couldn't he just let me go, what was he going to do with me? A fired cadet on her first day. I already beat him up didn't that teach him his lesson? Maybe he had a stupid game planned out in his head or just wanted to throw me into jail for slapping his face- so immature! 

I was getting dragged into the back of the police van after the painful session of removing the wires from my back. My hands and legs were all tied up so I couldn't even punch or kick any of these dumb officers. "LET GO OF ME!" I yell at one of the officers called Park Jimin. He just gives me a pitiful stare and  continues to drag me into the van. 

While I was still screaming my head off, someone came running and was yelling my name wildly. 

It was HoSeok! 



He doesn't listen to me and charges straight towards the police officer who was holding onto my arm. But just as he was about to launch his fist at him, my mentor intervenes and stops him by holding his fist. 

They both stare each other in the eyes. Did they know each other? Oh wait, they did! 

"Do I know you?" 


He lets go of his fist bet doesn't break the eye contact. They were both staring daggers at each other. "Yoongi, what on earth are you doing?" 

"My job," he replies bluntly. 

Hoseok moves closer to his face, clearly trying to intimidate him. As for Yoongi, it wasn't working because he kept his poker face in tact and didn't move back. 

"Let her go," 


"Let her go!" 

"Are you officer in command?" 

" LET HER GO!" He yells aggressively. But it wasn't working on him. He was just like a stone taking in insults. Yoongi looks back at the officers that were restraining me. "Take her in, there's no drama going on here lads, go on," 

"YAAAH!" Screams HoSeok, "YOU'RE REALLY NOT GOING TO LISTEN TO ME HUH?" Seeing this side of HoSeok was really scary because he never got angry. We had been friends for so long but I had never seen him angry like this. 

Yoongi was doing well with ignoring him and continued to do so as he started walking to the police car. "Hey, officer Jungkook, please remind me of your promotion because I think I may forget about it, ok?" He nods innocently and walks off to the other car. 

HoSeok's face was fuming because he was being ignored. He goes upto the car that Yoongi was sitting in and thumps the window with his fist. The window pulls down and an angry looking Yoongi face appears. "Do you wanna go to jail too?" 

"Take me in officer!" he says surprisingly and pulls his wrists up in front of himself, almost offering his hands to be handcuffed. 

Yoongi looked up at his face in surprise. "Ok then, you are under arrest..." he says and takes out his handcuffs. HoSeok's face stayed firm even when the handcuffs were placed on his wrists. 

Gosh, what was going on in his mind????? 



And the worst thing is that he isn't even aware of the backstory and thinks that I am being arrested for literally no reason!  

Yoongi got out of the car and took HoSeok into another car. Whilst that kid still had the IDGAF expression on his face. But when our eyes met, his face suddenly looked worried and scared. Well, boy it wasn't me who asked you to get yourself arrested so why look so scared now huh?

*********** LATER AT THE POLICE STATION***********

"Wake up!" 

That annoying sound again. 

"WAKE UP!" Wow, it was much louder... It sounded like I was in the interrogation room... 

Wait- WHAT?! 

I open my eyes and blink several times to see Min Yoongi holding a bucket of water ready to throw it at my face. I look around in shock. The whole room was dark and there was only a single bright spotlight above our heads. 

"Why on earth am I here?" 

"Why do you think you are here?"

"For absolutely no reason..." 

"Anything else?" 

"Oh, maybe you needed a friend to enter your lonely life and actually have a conversation with you to make you feel as if you were worth something..." 

He rolls his eyes and turns his head to look away from me. 

"Oh, so I was right then?"  I said triumphantly, " Aww, look at you, you have no friends..." 

"Just shut up will you?" 

"No, I won't"


" Because I have plenty to say about why the hell I am locked up in here with you asking me dumb questions!"

" You are here, for a reason" 

"Haha. No sh*t Sherlock"

"I am here to tell you something important,"

"Wait a min, lemme guess...YOU'RE FIRED!" 

"As much as I would love to make you deaf by screaming that in your, it's not that," He sighs.

" Ok then, cut straight to the chase cop" 

There was a deathly long pause after I had spoken. For some reason, it made my spine shiver. The officer in front of me was also surprisingly silent too. Maybe it was because he was tired, afterall, it was almost 6am and I had hardly gotten any sleep.

Finally, his mouth opens to speak. 

" You...have passed the tests...that showed me if you were worthy for the team..."

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