Part 29

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Backup finally arrived whilst I still had the suspect in sight. I was hidden behind a thick tree trunk and the suspect was sitting down on a nearby bench. Thankfully, it was windy so any sound made from my movement would be disguised as the wind ruffling the leaves of the trees.  

Jeon Jungkook got out of the car swiftly and handed me my equipment that consisted of handcuffs, a gun and a taser- in case. 

"Take care," he said with a small hint of worry on his face. 

"I'll be fine" 

I left instantly to get back to my suspect's location but I was in for a surprise. He had left the spot and had just made life even harder for me. A quick scan of the area and I had just confirmed that he had completely vanished. But where could he have gone to within a matter of minutes? I had only left my spot for two minutes and then- BOOM! Gone! 

"Helio squadron, I've lost the suspect, any track of his location?" I requested for my aero-backup in case they had a location to give me. 

"The suspect is within your radius, continue straight north from your location" 

I continued to walk at a faster pace than usual so that I could catch up with the suspect's location in order to proceed with his arrest. If I ran, my actions would have become much more suspicious and since I was supposed to work as an undercover cop for now, my cover would've been blown.  

"Location is closer, less than 10 yards away" the walkie talkie said. That meant I was going good for now,  but I needed to be more cautious of my surroundings and my actions. 

Another wide tree trunk was  ahead of me, so I took my chance and hid behind it so that I could scan my area once again. 

Everything was clear, no person in sight. But then a sudden movement caught my attention. It came from an alleyway next to a cafe. As I looked closer at the opening of the alleyway, I noticed a pair of bloodshot eyes staring directly at me. And without a second thought, I had instantly realized that those eyes belonged to the suspect that I was looking for. 

And the fact that my hiding spot was revealed- only added to my bad news... 

If I was certain enough, the suspect had probably wanted to check if I was following him or not. If he found out that I was, he either would've attacked me or would have attempted to escape my sight and disappear. With this note in my mind, I took my phone out and pretended to play a game even though I was only on my home screen. 

The corner of my eye strained but I had the suspect in sight. He was still staring at me and then turned his head to the top of a building. I took this chance to request the backup team to line up at the end of the alleyway as well as any other of its openings in case he made a run for it. 

"Got it!" the team leader replied. 

Great, looks like I was set for any action that could potentially happen within the next few minutes. 

My head still ached from the hangover that I had and that was the first thing on the "regret list after drinking" Goodness know what else I was going to regret... 

The suspect was still in his position and it seemed like he was taking his dear time...  

I shouldn't just stay in one place though, I should make the move and catch him or else this could really take ALL DAY. 

"I'm moving in with the arrest," I say on my walkie talkie and proceed to move out of my spot and closer to the suspect. Thankfully there was a bench that I could sit on for a good minute to see if the suspect was really going to make a run for it. I slowly walked off to the bench and sat there for 50 seconds. 

SUSPECTOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz