Part 4

41 3 2


I am ready to kill that stupid mentor with my own hands and go to jail to rot there for the rest of my goddamn life!


And now I am certain that I am going to be sacked. I just swore at my mentor which was forbidden. Right now, I am running home. 

I just can't bare this at all. I messed up the whole day today and didn't have one event where things went smoothly. All because of that stupid man. I can't even earn money decently. Looks like my mother was right about me. I can't do anything without getting into trouble. I guess when I go home, she is going to have that smug look on her face saying: I TOLD YOU SO! 

Why does my life suck right now?!  

Should I even go home? Why not calm myself down and just go to the bubble tea cafe and think up of all the excuses and lies I could tell mom. Now that sounds like an idea! 


I love bubble tea a lot. It always calms me down until I am frozen like ice. And the good thing is that I have come up with all the excuses that I could say to my mom who is probably waiting for me at home right now. 

Time to go home. To Mi casa~ 

It's raining a lot outside. My boots are waterproof but they are way to big on me so it looks like I am wearing buckets for shoes... WET SOCKS IT IS THEN! 

Just as I arrive at the bus stop I spot someone. Not just one person actually, a few of them. All wearing police uniforms and holding torchlights. They were also yelling out one name. 


"LI Y/N!"


Oh Shoot! 

Could this day possibly get worse? And the thing that was even more confusing was that: HOW ON EARTH DID THEY KNOW I COME TO THIS PLACE TO CHILL? This made me doubt what I had written on my CV. Maybe I wrote it on there that I come to the bubble tea cafe to chill out like a dumbass! 

Time to activate my disguise- which was very ineffective until the bus came. It's amazing how a massive tin can can come to my rescue rather than a piece of fabric... let alone a hero- which was far from actually happening. 

I step inside the bus and breathe out a large sigh of relief. The bus is my saviour today. It saved me from going back to that hell hole. I had my face mask and headphones on and so I was deaf to the outside world. The doubt about my CV kept bothering me so I decided to check it out again just to confirm what I had written. 

Wow, looks like I have to change my chill spot because here is what I wrote: 



To tire myself out and rest at the Bubble tea cafe.

Drink at least 4 cups of Bubble Tea every day! 

Listen to music and sing (with my croaky voice) 

Ask annoying questions and pissing people off with them :)


Anyone who reminds me of my Physical Training teacher

Bossy boots like N* W***** M****

Criminals who are filled with ego and pride.

Ok, I myself don't even know how I got accepted into the academy. That was exactly what a dumbass would write on their personal statement. And that DUMBASS being me....

While I was scrolling through my CV and half psycho laughing at what I wrote, I felt someone watching me from behind. Someone's eyes burning through my back. Did they have lasers in their eyes? Or is it my strong sense of paranoia kicking in again? 

No, I was certain that it was someone's glare. I turn round and find someone ever so familiar wearing a face mask and holding their phone. I turn back round and quickly formulate an escape route in my mind and wait for the bus to stop at the next stop. 

Finally the moment has come to run for my lifeu. 

The doors open... 

I get up and RUN out into the rain with wet socks and disappear into the thick bushes and trees that were there. I was being stalked again! That wasn't the first time as well to be honest. 

I have had many episodes where I have been stalked for at least months and then the stalker would be kicked in the ass and sent to the hospital. (Oh yeah that was by me) 

But right now, the stalker over here wasn't good at their job. They couldn't even hide themselves properly. Looks like it is time for action! 

My favourite! 

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