Part 20

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Gosh, I actually can't believe that I'm running late for something that I said. 

I was so tired and worn out that I fell asleep in the bubble shop and now, I'm on my way to meet my Mentor- Min Yoongi! 

I arrive at the police station and find him standing under a streetlight and staring at his phone. I don't know why but I had that desperate urge to take a photo of him like that because the angle and his pose was a killer. One little snap won't do any harm... hehehee... 

But oh why why whyyyyy!!!! 

He looks up from his phone and spots me with my phone that was positioned to take a picture of him. Instantly, the phone disappears from his view and I grin like the Grinch. He raises his eyebrows and raises his hands to wave at me- with an itty bitty little smirk on that mouth of his. 

I walk over to him, wearing my my tracksuit and coat because it was really cold. He stares at me and makes a face. 


"You could have worn something that was a bit more formal, you are meeting with your boss and not your friend," 

Thank you, I feel so ashamed of myself now... I roll my eyes. But when I saw what he was wearing, I guess I really did feel slightly ashamed of my attire. He wasn't wearing a tuxedo (thank goodness or I would have thrown myself off a cliff) but I can say that his fashion taste is actually quite ~~ classy~~?  But he looked quite good. Much better than his police uniform and all those medals that could be seen hanging off the fabric at least.  

"Should we go?" 

"Yea, les go" 

Yoongi was in charge of paying for the meal that we were apparently going to have. I bet it was probably some take away shop... 



I had guessed WRONG! 

"Woah!" My jaw detached itself from its hinges. I had never seen a place more like this in my entire worthless life! (haha that's probably why lol). I have to admit that he did his best effort to make my ashamed of my costume because I looked like some beggar that he just randomly picked up from the street. 

He grins, that gummy smile appearing on his face prominently. "You like this place?" 

"Hell yes!" 

"Hmpf, it's the least thing that I could do for now anyways" 


"Uh yeah," 

"What is your most then?" 

"A dinner in another city or country" 

" can do that?" My broke ass was stuttering. 

"Jeez, do you think I'm lying?" 

How rich was this guy exactly? There I was thinking that I was about to have dinner at a take away but this guy takes me to a bloomin 100 star restaurant?! Was this my luck just meddling with me there? Was this some supernatural thing that Taehyung did with his ghost powers or something? 

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