Part 17

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Min Yoongi's POV: 

Thank goodness that meeting was over in that half an hour. Y/N was due to arrive at the station roughly when we were wrapping things up. To keep suspicion at bay, I decided to add in holograms of Officer Jimin and Junior Jungkook just to keep her busy because GOSH she was as curious as a kitten. 

"Hoseok, she is the main part of our plan," 

He nods and then places a finger on his mouth, gesturing for us to stay quiet. I have to admit that his sense of hearing was brilliant at times especially this one. Once we were all silent, he pointed his finger to the door and his eyes widened. 

 I turned to look at the door and found a feminine figured shadow cast on the fabric centre of the door. It was her. 

Thank goodness we saw her before it was too late. 

"OK lads, we'll end it here" I say just to save the rest of our conversation for later. I write on the paper in front of us saying to keep an eye out for a specific email regarding the last part of the agenda. They nod silently. 

HoSeok opens the lock and walks out of the door and looks around to see if she was still there. I blink and find that there is literally no one there. He was quick and left the premises. Park Jimin was here as well and so I gestured for the rest of them to leave quickly as well, just to make sure that there was no suspicion on what was going on here. 

I arrived safely back into my office and hid the folders regarding our meeting. I didn't want her to come and start searching my desk to know her role in this mission. It was better for her to not know about what she had just been involved in by us. Because it would affect the way we run our mission to achieve it. 

Y/N creeps into my office as I was clearing out a few files on the crowded desk of mine.  

"Reporting for duty" 

I look up to her face. The usual spark on her face wasn't there today. I wonder how long she was standing outside that door for. She could have heard things that she wasn't supposed to hear. Like her role in the mission. Her knowing about that would ruin a few of our further plans for this mission. 

"Why do you look so dull?" 

Her facial expression doesn't change at all. Yup, she's heard something and she's not happy about it. Uh oh... 


"Hmm, right, do you know what your first task is?" 

She shakes her head. "No," Actually to be honest, I didn't know what to give her as a task either. Maybe I should relight those sparks...hmm...not a bad idea to be honest! 

"Right, your first job is to make me some latte and then clear out my bin" 


What? Was she just going to give in like that? Like where did that rebellion disappear off to? Maybe last night's events changed her spirit a bit then. Could I really say that was a good thing...? I really hate to admit this but I actually want that fire back. 

"Oh, and then for your second I need you to deliver and move these boxes to Officer Namjoon's office because it seems that he left them here," I say pointing to the empty cardboard boxes that looked as if they were filled with something. 

She rolls her eyes and goes off to the kitchen to get my latte that I was craving for. Haha, I see some of that spark over there! While she's busy making my latte, I decide to fill up those boxes with something. I had all these papers lying around in the lockers. Most of them were ones that I was planning to discard. 

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