Part 8

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"Yoongi? Are you OK?" 

"Help... me please..." 

"Hey! Hey! Don't do anything dumb! I'm coming!!" 

Through the call, I could hear the sound of waves crashing against the coast. I assumed that he was at the coastal area near his house. 

And that's where he was. Staring cluelessly at the waves and the ocean in front of him. He was really planning something dumb. 


He turns round and a sudden flash of happiness brightens his dull looking face. 

"You came..." 

Hmpf, I think he forgot about why I left him in the first place. I stayed silent. 

"I...I broke up with that B**** " He smiles, " just like you wanted right?" 

"Did you do it because of me? Or you wanted to do that yourself?" 

"You were right all along, she wasn't sincere at all..." 

What was I saying all this time? I kept on telling him and telling him but he wouldn't listen as he was blinded by his love for her. 

All I wanted to do was to save him from heartbreak. One that he didn't deserve at all because if he loved someone, he would love them with his heart and sincerely. And anyone who broke that trust bond, would almost be torturing him. 

And that's what this girl did to him. 

But now, what could we do? The past is in the past now. Whatever was going to happen has happened. 

It was time to move on. 

"Promise me one thing from now," 

"What is it?" 

"You will listen to my advice" 

He stood still for a moment and stared blankly at my face. 

"Are you making me as your slave?" 

"What? No!" 

"Then I guess, it's my choice if I want to listen to your advice then!" 

He had a point.... "Look, we have now had experience of what happens if you don't listen to me," 

"Yes, but that doesn't mean that you are always going to be right though," He walks closer to me "HoSeok, I know that whatever you do is for the best of someone. But telling me to always listen to you isn't for the best of me or you," 

"I didn't say always," 

"But you said promise"  

Maybe I shouldn't have said what I said. This guy knew exactly how to make things work his way. And that is what he just did right now. 

He is such a cunning person. He just doesn't realise it himself. Maybe, I should just work my way around it. I need to work my around his cunning tactics. 

"Well, to be honest, it's all up to you," I say turning around. " If you want me to  stay by your side but you aren't gonna listen to me then...what's the point of me?" 

"You wanna leave me?"

"Oh N-" 


"I...Yoongi-" He cuts me off again. 


I stay quiet. 


I was actually here being the best friend that I could be and here he is calling me fake? 

Well done Yoongi. I was fake enough to come here and comfort you. I was fake enough to tell you to break up with Ji Ah. I was plastic wasn't I? A piece of rubbish that you could easily kick away from your life. 

That was my worth and value to you wasn't it? 

And a few hours ago he said I was worth all the gold in the world. Well...that wasn't true then was it? 

So who's being fake here? 

Me or HIM? 

"Ok then... I'll leave you..." I turn my back towards him and begin to walk off, "I'm fake for you, I'll just leave." 

I expected to hear something. Like a bit of persuasion but... He was quiet. I wanted to turn back and look but that would just make me look like as if I was regretting my decision to leave. Anyways, I don't care if he was staring at me or looking at the sea. 

I was leaving him permanently and there was NO turning back. 

~~~~~~~~~END OF FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~


As far as I remember, he never loved a girl again. He treated them coldly as well. 

As for his ex.... 

He didn't even go near her and if she approached him he would yell at her. In front of everyone. 

Li Y/N was actually lucky that she wasn't killed by him yet because knowing him, he would definitely not spare her at all. Maybe he has changed his ways. Probably softened up a bit? Or not... 

"Y/N, tell me, what did he do to you?" 

"He's such an annoying PRICK!" 

"Did you swear at him?" 

"I would be dumb in the head not to!" 

" didn't?" I teased her. 

"HEY! Of course I did, that's why he sent a team of spies over to my house and made them set up cameras all around hy home." 



"Hey, hey- chill out!" 

"How can I possibly CHILL?!" 

"We are having a SLEEPOVER! After sooo long! Can't you be happy about that?" 

Her face turned into a small frown for a brief second but then she smiled. "Yeah, that's true.." 

At home, Y/N's mother was sitting on the sofa and smiled widely when she saw us enter the living room. 

"Finally you arrive!" 

"Eomma mianhe..." she runs up to her mother and gives her a big hug. That was so sweet. Just watching the relationship between a mother and her daughter like theirs is just so beautiful. My own sister's relationship with my mother was ok as well but... they argued A LOT! 

"Don't worry baby, I'm here now..." Her mother then looks at me and smiles, "HoSeok! Long time no see, dear " 

"Well it's nice to have you here with us today," 

"We have a lot of things to catch up on then!" 

 Yeah... a lot... 

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