Part 11

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I am beginning to get tired. That girl was running way to quickly and now she was on top of the roofs. Anyways, I had my back up arriving within a minute. 

I couldn't even breathe properly because of all that running and definitely didn't have any sort of energy left in me to climb over rooftops. I wonder how she still had that much energy left in her? I made her run 5 laps around the jail perimeter and here she is running at the speed of light. 

Well, it certainly does confirm one thing: her physical strength is at its best. That means she will be able to run in police chases to capture a criminal. Another ideal skill. Well, she is certainly ticking all the boxes and is passing all my assessments with flying colours. But should I tell her that they were all tests? 

Maybe I should, but that can only happen when I actually capture her and keep her still and not get injured in the process. She is a wild one. That spirit is exploding out of her like lava exploding from a volcano. I had never actually come across a police cadet like her before in my life. This is my first wild horse and I need to tame it well. 

Finally my backup arrives and I tell them where I last saw Y/N. 

"You need to get to her as quickly as possible because she is quick and sly," 


"That's it! Go and get her!" 

They run off and I decide to get hold of a police helicopter so that they can search for her in the sky. But I had a small feeling inside me that she wasn't going to be found that easily. 

But I was wrong. 


I was shocked. My jaw dropped and I was startled. The back up officers were sent on their chase only 10 minutes ago and within that time, they had caught the rookie! 

It was really amazing. That's why they say teamwork is dreamwork (or well, it goes something like that...). 

"Ok, well done! Send me your location and I'll be right there!" I yell into the walkie talkie. 

As I arrived in the police car, I witnessed the most amazing thing that I had witnessed all day. I may have expected the rookie to be tied up and on the floor screaming but it was the complete opposite to what I had expected. In fact, opposite didn't even seem as the right word to describe the scene...

Junior Jungkook was restrained on the floor. She was sitting on top of his back whilst yelling out multiple swear words to me and my department. The other officers were scattered around the place helplessly watching the poor junior getting handcuffed by that rookie. The look on his face described a cloud of different emotions. Oof, I felt really awful for that kid. But... it was all adding up on his experiences with difficult people and is surely a plus point for his promotion. He really does deserve one after all that hassle. 

Finally, her eyes meet mine and she gets up to make another run for it. But as soon as she makes her move, another police officer fires his taser at the rookie and she tumble onto the concrete ground right next to the handcuffed junior. 

I guess we kinda managed to tame her a bit. Y/N was screaming in pain and I had to hear another round of insults from her. But honestly speaking though: My ones are much worse. 

I walk right next to her and crouch down to speak to her (if I could). "You've learnt your lesson now haven't you?" I say to her. 

"Worst teacher award goes to you clap clap clap." 

"Do you want to be tasered again huh?" 

"Looks like your age is getting to you huh. You're forgetting the law!" 

"What law?" 

"Human rights- dummy..." 

"I. AM. THE. LAW! Got it?!" I growled

She finally shuts up. But I noticed that she started trembling violently almost as if she was like jelly during an earthquake. Maybe she was doing this on purpose. Just to get attention. If it was for that, then she wasn't going to get any. Anyways, my focus was on the Junior. 

I walk over to him. Although he was tied up and lying face flat on the wet ground, he was still silent. He's so patient, even at the times where I would lose my marbles, he still remained silent and calm. "My my, what did she do to you huh?" 

He grins and sighs, "All part of my duty sir..." 

"Hmm, well, talking about your duty, I think that you are in the spotlight and deserve a promotion now that you've dealt with a REALLY difficult person!" 

His face lights up and a happy smile shines on his face. "Really sir? Did I really do that well? Thank you sir, thank you!" So humble. No wonder my mother liked his personality.                               

I remove the handcuffs and he stands back up, stretching his back and getting his usual self back into place. "Sir, I have to admit, she really didn't look the type to go and handcuff someone who is slightly more senior than her,"

"Hmm, same here kiddo. That's why they say don't judge a book by its cover"

"Lesson learnt sir,"  

Just as we were about to put her into a police car, someone came into the 'crime' scene, yelling Y/N's name. 

"Y/N! Y/N! HEYYYY WAIT UP YOU DAMNED POLICE OFFICER!!!!" It was a masculine sounding voice. I turned round and instantly became lost for words. The other guy also stopped yelling and stared at my (beautiful) face, then stopped running until we were roughly a metre away from each other. 

His face was recognisable because he hadn't changed a bit since the last time I saw him. His eyes widened slightly with a shocked expression appearing on his face. 

"Do...I" He asks me. 

After what seemed to be a long pause, I replied with an uncertain tone of voice


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