Part 5

38 4 2


I just had that girl in my sight! 

Where did she even go? 

I suddenly saw a small flash inside the bushes, which started moving and ruffling. She was inside the bushes. I have no other but to go inside myself and drag her out here. Oh well, in I go... 

I literally can't see anything right now so I turn on the torchlight to see more clearly. No one was around here. Ugh, I must have lost her track. Cautiously moving around inside the restricted foliage, I hear a sound! 

"Oof!" Something stikes on my head and I become dizzy. I fall to the floor which was a very painful experience. 


It was that rookie! That damned rookie... I am certainly not going to spare her now. How dare she attack her mentor like that?! She deserved to be fired and sent to jail for assaulting a police officer like ME! 

"You B*tch!" I yell in pain and dizziness. 

"Yeah yeah, call me whateva ya like! Show me your face right now STALKER!"

How could I even do that- if I was going to listen to that brat. It was common sense! She was sitting on top of my back restraining me in the best way possible. 

"Oh you are so gonna go to jail now!" She says, not even knowing that I am her mentor, "Now, let's just see that pretty lil UGLY face of yours huh?" She removes my face mask and gets the surprise of her life. 

"OH Crap!" 

Exactly! You should be shitting yourself right now because the one going to jail is YOU! 

"Now, should I say sorry for attacking you?" 

"Yeah you should before the cops come for you!" 

"Oh, I don't give two sh*ts anyways!" She says, "You're a cop, I'm a cop- makes no difference!" 

"Oh it will because YOU'RE FIRED!" 

She starts to laugh like a psycho case, "OK then, if I'm fired, this will be my parting gift then!" 

That rookie comes close to my face- which was covered in mud- and slaps me across it hard, then runs away. Ouch. What a nice parting gift. Best one I've ever had... 

Maybe I should chase her to see where she is going. I need to see what kind of background she belongs to because her words earlier still remain in my memory. 

"I'm here for the money, not for the savage"

It almost reminds me of why I'm here too. That is something that we have in common. Nice. 

I get up from the floor and rub myself clean from all that dirt on me. I looked as if I had been lying down in crap which was not good. Jungkook comes up behind me and gives me a scare. 

"Officer Min Yoongi, are you ok?" 

"yes I am kiddo, go find that little witch and send a small spy team to watch her for 2 days!" 

"Yes sir!" 

He runs off and I go to the nearest bus stop and wait for a bus to her neighbourhood. I don't think anyone would ever fall in love with her because DAMN! She will eventually kill them!

Thank goodness she is not my type anyways... 



I just got attacked and then slapped by that damned rookie and I am now on my way to the bus stop looking like hell! That animal needs to be trained before she even enters the premises of the Police interrogation department. 

The bus finally arrives and I get a seat right next to the window. It was still raining. My phone rings and I have a message from an unknown number: 



I will die huh? 

We'll see about that my friend. And anyways, who is that? Could it be that rookie animal? Well, she did seem really mad at me so... 

She also seemed highly skilled with tech from the looks of it though. Maybe she hacked the system and found out my personal details! 



That could also mean that I could have an assassinator waiting to kill me when I get home! Oh no... Should I stay at a hotel tonight or something, just to be safe?

Wait, maybe I'm just getting ahead of myself there. Obviously, the person who has gotten hold of my number is a hacker or someone really close that I know very well. It is clear that I don't know the rookie as well as I thought so it may not be her. She is really unpredictable and is now on the run?  

I had just gotten another message from junior Officer Jungkook that Li Y/N has not entered her home yet. 

Maybe the address that was on her CV was false... there is a very high possibility for that. Because the amount of new officers that we had last year, all wrote the wrong address for their CV and later on, we found out that they had searched it out on the web that if they do not write their real address, they have a less chance if being assassinated if a hacker got hold of their details. My my... these youngsters though.... 

But I am young as well. Afterall, I'm only 25 and that rookie is about 23. Why am I thinking about that damned rookie anyways?! 

My phone rings again- a phone call, from an unknown number. 


"I will rip your guts out and you will die. I will kill you!" 

"I don't know what you are talking about!" 

"I will kill you- it's very easy to understand." 

"Very funny, you will be the one ending up dying ok!" 

"Dig your grave, I'm coming for you!"

 And the call ends. 

That attempt of scaring the crap out of me was very unsuccessful because I instantly got a suspect in mind. But it wasn't that rookie at all. 

It was someone much more closer to me. 

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