Part 2

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What I had just witnessed was just insane and incredibly scary. 

That man who is meant to be my mentor has scared the crap out of me. Looks like I should never mess up again or else I may end up as that criminal getting beaten up. 

When you first look at him, he looks like a harmless soul but when you see him in practice- it's the complete opposite. He looks like a complete psycho case. Honestly, I'm thinking if I should start digging my grave already...and maybe a funeral plan as well...just to play safe. 

Playing safe is probably the only chance I will survive his harshness and anger. 

I guess I might be a bit unlucky because he seems angry right now and he has to lecture me about what he just did and why he did it and all of that. I was hiding in the recording department, watching the interrogation take place from the camera that was in the corner of the room. 

He strides into the room, making his presence known inside the room. The senior officers and my work colleagues all stood up and saluted him. I was sitting down at the moment he stepped into the room, sipping calmly on a cup of coffee. But when he came in, I choked on the substance, bolted up and saluted him- with coffee spewing out of my mouth simultaneously. 

I messed up- sh*t.... 

He gave me a disgusted look and then said 

"Clean this baby rookie up and next time, when feeding her make sure you add a baby's bib so that she doesn't mess up her fancy dress costume- I will come and mentor her afterwards"  

I can't believe it! He has a savage tongue as well? 

I'm surprised how I am not sent home in disgrace yet or even worse get fired. He really does have some patience with me- I'll give him that. 

The other officers look at me after her leaves, most of them were shooting daggers. Others on the verge of bursting out laughing at me. I was making a total fool out of myself right now and that was possibly the worst thing that I could have done to myself today. 

Officer Park Jimin burst out laughing but the rest just stared at him. Junior officer Jungkook helped me clean up. I was almost on the brink of crying. He saw my face. 

"Don't take his words seriously princess, he's just mad right now..." 

"I've messed up a lot, how am I not fired yet?"

He looked up, "Was that your aim for today?" 

I laugh, "No no, I just- " 

He cuts me off "If that wasn't your aim then just try your best for the rest of the day and don't mess up please!" 

I smile and he taps my shoulders. "Let's go!" 

He leads the way to my mentor's office. I hang my head in shame knowing what he might say to me if I had it up high. 

"Sir, your student is all cleaned up and briefed on etiquette. She's all yours now!" Jungkook says and then winks at me then leaves. He's naughty sometimes. First calling me princess and then winking at me- what next huh? 

 The mentor catches me smiling at his wink. 

"You are a little flirt aren't you," 


"Excuse me?" 

"Smiling at a wink hmm?" 

"I'm sorry sir, I just smiled that's all..." 

"Hmmm...attitude problems..." He said to himself whilst writing on a piece of paper. 

"Attitude problems? Sir, I only just answered back to your question to justify myself!" 

"Hmm...anger problems..." 

This was pissing me off now. If this was my mentor over here, I would rather just get fired. He was worse than that Physical Training teacher that I had back in high school! 

"SIR! I DO NOT HAVE ANGER ISSUES!!" I yelled at him, finally losing my cool...I'm screwed now, I have literally no way of staying here now. But I keep my head up high. I can't let his savage control me. 

"Is this what you were taught then hmm?" 


"DON'T CALL ME SIR!! Why don't you just call me wretch?" My first yelling... 

"I apologise, I was just trying to justify myself" 

"Hmm, why work as a policewoman then? Why not a judge or a lawyer? You like to justify right? Why waste my time here?!" 

I hang my head in disgrace, this was too much humiliation. 

"Look here rookie, I'm in no mood to teach you my ways through verbal speech. If you want to know my ways, I don't mind teaching you through practice- and guess who's gonna be victim here?"  

I painfully inhale and hang my head further. 

"You. Are. The. Victim.Here- OK?" I knew it. "LOOK UP AT ME RIGHT NOW!" 

He comes closer to my face, "Don't disgrace this department- UNDERSTAND?"

I gasp, trying to fight myself away from certain death. 



"YES SIR!!" 


"Yes sir," I finally have to let my guard down. He's really going to tie me up to the rules- it's certain now. I give up. 

Good game Mentor Min! 

I won't give up next time though. GAME ON! 

"Now for your first lesson," He says "follow me!"

SUSPECTNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ