Part 24

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HoSeok's POV:

How many times did I have to go through this. 

Every single day

Every single moment of my life. 

And the worst thing was that there was no escaping from it now or the only thing that I was lose is my life. 

Getting myself into this mess was possibly the stupidest thing that I have done with my life. What was I even thinking when I wanted to join the interrogation department? 

I was now keeping away from my family and my most best friend ever. This was ripping me apart. The fact that I couldn't say  much to anyone because of the tool that I had become out of a dumb choice was more heartbreaking that I had thought it to be. 

I was walking away from Y/N's house after dropping her home after she was out cold because of her odd drinking pattern. From what I could see, giving her name for this role was the most torturing thing that I could have done to her. It was literally ripping her apart as well. That's probably why she drank so much. 

Yoongi has to work quickly or else I'm going to forcefully withdraw our names from this crap. There were limits to things. 

"HoSeok, where is she?" He asks as I step into my office. 

"Out cold at home- where else?" 

"Tsk, I was going to take her out to talk things out with her to lighten her situation and things," 

Did I really just hear that from him correctly? This was Min Yoongi saying this right? Right? I look up at him in surprise. What was he playing at? 

"You wanted to take her out?" I ask him. 

He nods casually. "I should have stopped her, but I don't realise that she was emotionally attached to this thing..."

"OK, but why do you wanna take her out? Can't you simply just talk to her in the office?" 

"I want to progress with this mission in a smart and healing way. She probably hates this place right now so taking her out would be a better idea," 

"Since when did you care about her so much?" 

He stays quiet. That got him for good. "From what I saw yesterday," he began, "this is more than just a job to her. I don't know the reasons or whatever but I feel like helping her is the right thing to do." 

What an emotional speech by the amazing Min Yoongi..... 

But I guess it is a good thing that he finally began to care about her. At least she now has someone who will care about her while I'm not in reach or not there for her. 

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