Part 27-Get Wasted

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We finally arrived at the restaurant and somehow, I was actually vibing to the music that Yoongi was playing. 

"Right, we're here!" 

I step out of the car and we both walk through the front door of the restaurant. 

Green and red flashing lights, loud music and the smell of alcohol was sickeningly strong. It suddenly hit me...we were at a night club. 

"Why did you bring us here?" I ask.

"Oh..I actually thought that we could celebrate here..." 


To be honest, after that last time I drank, I had promised myself that I wasn't going to drink anything other than water. But being here was quite tempting...

"We're not gonna drink right?" 

"If you want to..." 

His responses were quite short. He didn't seem too enthusiastic for some reason. But he was quite observant though. He kept looking around, almost as if he was looking for someone. 

"Well, should we order?" 

"Yeah, let's find a table first and then we'll order,"  

We found a table and sat down. Yoongi was still looking around and appeared to be half focused whilst ordering dinner. 

"What's up? You seem to be tense?" I ask.


"I guess you can calm down now, we've found our suspect and arrested them as well," 

"We have an even bigger fish to catch by the way," 

"What do you mean?"

"We have to catch the main MAFIA leader,"

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about that..." 

When I was given the briefing about my role, I remember being told about the MAFIA leader. Apparently he was a dangerous man that had to be stopped at all costs. He was on the MOST WANTED list for 6 years and still hasn't been caught. Only a few of his accomplices were caught- one of them being Ji Ah. However, according to our information, his gang was massive and many joined every week. Around more than a 100 people join every month therefore leading to this MAFIA gang expanding at a much faster rate than expected alongside a growing influence of crime amongst the youth.   

"But for now though....let's celebrate completing phase one of this big business"  says with a mischievous grin on his pale face.

"Yea, why not?" 

He looks around and before long, he sets his eyes on something. 




This was the most difficult decision I have ever had to make. 

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