16. Fear

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"At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet."

It was a new Morning, both Malhotra's and the Murthy's were buzy in their work.

Malhotra Industries,

All were buzy working for the government project. Here Manik had sent the mail to all the top potential companies regarding the meeting.

At hospital,

Nandini and Navya were as usual following their daily routine.

Nandini and Navya were as usual following their daily routine

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Nandini's attire👆

Nandini's bracelet👆

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Nandini's bracelet👆

Nandini's bracelet👆

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Navya's attire👆

At night,
Murthy mansion,

All were having their dinner when Raman spoke.

All were having their dinner when Raman spoke

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Nandini's nightwear👆

Raman - Today we got a mail from Malhotra group of industries regarding a project.

Listening to this all got atentitive towards him when Nandini said

Nandini- No worries dad! I know you are gonna rock it!

Raman- No Nandu, this time it's not that easy. It's a huge project. All top companies will be there to compete with us. It doesn't matter if we are at number 2 or at number 10.

Tension was clearly visible on his face. Seeing him Ishita spoke

Ishita - Don't worry, everything will be alright, haina Abhi?

She spoke looking at Abhi and gestured him to help and support Raman.

Abhimanyu- Haa maa, you are right! Don't worry dad everything will be alright. We all are there with you in this.

Listening to Abhimanyu's words, Raman got a bit relieved. Same was the case at the Malhotra mansion.

Malhotra Mansion,

Raj was also getting worked up because of this project. Manik, Cabir and Nyonika were handling him the same way in which the Murthy's were handling Raman.

 Manik, Cabir and Nyonika were handling him the same way in which the Murthy's were handling Raman

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Manik's nightwear👆

After 3 days,

Finally the day had come where all the companies were going to meet for the conference in Malhotra Industries.

Malhotra industries,

Everyone were running here and there to ensure that all the arrangements were done for the meeting.

Everyone were running here and there to ensure that all the arrangements were done for the meeting

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Manik's attire👆

Manik's attire👆

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Manik's watch👆

At the time of meeting,
In the conference room,

All the companies were sitting there including the Murthy's and the Kapoor's. (Remember who was kapoor?)


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