22. My Family

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"You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought."


Precap- Nandini narrated everything to Manik about the things that happened with her last night.

In hospital,

As soon as Nandini finished her narration, she started crying again. Manik felt like somebody was stabbing his heart with thousand of knives.

Manik- shh..baccha, calm down! I am there with you na. No one can harm u, chill!

Saying this he passed a glass of water to Nandini. Without any words she started drinking the water by holding the glass with both the hands like a baby.

Manik's pov,

How can someone be so cute even while crying! I feel like eating her up and on top of that her red nose, its like a cherry on the top

End of pov

They both were so much into each other, Manik consoling Nandini and she herself trying to fight with the situation, that they didn't even realise what Manik called her sometime back.

Manik- better?

Nandini gave a small nod.

Nandini - Manik voh phir se toh nahi aayega na? I can't fight with him anymore, I am very scared.

Manik- *smiling* Nahi aayega I promise, agar aaya bhi toh mein hoon na! I will protect you at any cost. Don't worry.

Nandini - Thanks a lot Manik, tumne mere liye bohot kuch kiya hai. I don't know what would have happened if you didn't come there at the right time! That jerk would have come again and...

She was interrupted by Manik

Manik- Relax, I am always there with you.

Listening to this Nandini felt very good.

After Sometime,

Nandini - Manik, I think you should go to office now. I know you have taken an off because of me.

Manik- Nandini...

He was cut in between by Nandini

Nandini - No Manik, you go, I'll be fine. Really!

Manik- *In tensed voice* Ary you sure? If you want I can stay.

Nandini - Manik, I am fine! Don't worry, anyways I am leaving for home in some time. And yes, before you say anything else, I will go home and take rest. I will spend some time with my family. Maybe I will feel much better.

Nandini said this cutely pointing her finger towards him.

Nandini- I know it will take some time but eventually I will be ok.

Manik- Ok then! If you say so, I will leave, but please take care of yourself.

Nandini nodded and walked him till the door of her cabin to see him off.

Nandini - Once again thank you Manik.

Manik- Dosti mein no No sorry, No thank you!

Nandini - *teasingly* Accha! When did we become friends?

Manik failed to notice the teasing smile on her face and his smile faded away.

Manik- *cutely with a pout* Toh kya nahi bane dost?

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