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leef15 (profile picture only visible to added friends)

leef15 (profile picture only visible to added friends)

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joined: 27 mins ago

status: 🔴online

bio description:
hiya everyone!
i'm a pretty friendly guy from sunny australia who's open to talk to anyone, so hit me up!
i'm like 6'0 and i looove dancing and all kinds of food
and if you happen to catch
sight of me, you'll notice
some great freckles here and there. i've been told freckles
look great on dating profiles haha :P

[ '🔴chinguuya' has requested for you to add them ! ]
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[ '🔴chinguuya' has posted a message on your wall ! ]

chinguuya: why'd you decline my request?

leef15: well we have to be good friends first haha :P

chinguuya: you said you have freckles, right?

leef15: haha yes i did

chinguuya: that's hot

chinguuya: send some nudes baby

leef15: lol nOpe

chinguuya: thats no fun

chinguuya: i mean, this is a gay dating site afterall

chinguuya: come on, please

leef15: we're strangers

chinguuya: yeah, but that hasnt stopped me before XD

chinguuya: and you seem like the babyboy type

leef15: i'm six feet tall

chinguuya: i always have a feeling about these things baby

chinguuya: now send me a pic cutie

chinguuya: promise i won't bite

leef15: i dont want to

leef15: now please stop talking
to me, or else i will have
to block you

chinguuya: ooh fiesty, i like that

chinguuya: but what if i dont want to

chinguuya: come on baby, lets see a shot of you. i bet you'd look great naked

chinguuya: but that body of yours to good use

chinguuya: hellooo?

leef15: i know how you
look like

chinguuya: well, duh

chinguuya: my account is public for anyone to see ;)

chinguuya: as well as you ;)

chinguuya: what? like what you see?

leef15: ☺

chinguuya: wait, kind of emoji is that?

chinguuya: hey, babyboy, i'm still talking to you

leef15: boy you've messed with the wrong guy

leef15: i'll see you soon :P

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