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[ '🔴seobin11' has sent you a private message ! ]

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[ '🔴seobin11' has sent you a private message ! ]

seobin11: hey, you alright?

seobin11: i havent talked to you for like, almost a week and all

seobin11: and you've been offline as well

seobin11: and i'm... kind of worried, even though we've just started texting only about two weeks ago

seobin11: and i bet you're like, 'oh, why's this guy bothering me when he's got over a thousand online friends on this app?', and to be honest, i dont know why either

seobin11: i just want us to talk, since i noticed you're online as of now

seobin11: but its okay though if you don't want to talk though

seobin11: i dont wanna seem like a clingy boyfriend

seobin11: even though we're not!! dating!! lmfao

seobin11: oh god, i'm so sorry i'm being so weird rn

seobin11: i drank too much coffee from starbucks this morning

seobin11: hey cutie =P

leef15: why are you acting
so weird?

seobin11: coffee = high af binnie

leef15: so your name has
a 'bin' in it, huh

seobin11: thought it'd already be obvious by now,, but okay

leef15: shhh

seobin11: are you okay?

leef15: sigh

leef15: not really

seobin11: what happened?

leef15: if i tell you what happened, will you tell me another one of your quirky secrets?

leef15: or maybe your first name?

seobin11: but what if i lie|

seobin11: but what|

seobin11: sure! i guess :)

seobin11: but you dont get to choose what i have to reveal

leef15: aw shite

leef15: okay, whatever.

leef15: anyway, the past few days have been really shitty. i failed a couple of my tests, and when my mom found out, she got really mad at me

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